There are a lot of us in the construction trades on this forum, Kat is definitely one of them! "Project co-ordinator" might be a descriptive term for what she does? She's a valuable resource on knowing who to chat with and who to avoid. You could do well to PM her for details.
You might get a better "fit" for your architect request if you had an idea of what sort of building your brother wants to build. Is it a residential project? Which area? What are his major concerns? Cost? Uneven building site? Building green? Each project has different priorities and each person in the building trades has their specialties and if you can match the two up, then you will have a much nicer project.
I do drafting, usually looking for creative ways to build things within my client's budgets and abilities which generally are not the high end folks. Currently I'm helping some folks figure out how to build a farm house with a small diary attached on a very limited budget and with some not so robust workers, someone else build a carport/workshop with covered lanai above and someone else build a small "kapuna hale" or elder care home. Most of my designs tend towards "craftsman" style with lots of wood details and a "homey" sort of character, big lanais, workable and usable kitchens, workshops, etc. "Woodsy", "cottage", perhaps occasionally "art deco" might be good descriptions of the style but since I also pretty much draft up what the folks want sometimes the projects are wildly outside of those styles.
I also do commercial drafting as well although there isn't as much call for it on this island as there was on Oahu. Electrical, electronical, commercial plumbing, civil etc.
Construction is also very cyclical and we are currently going into another big downturn so I also fix mechanical clocks.

That's more or less a hobby, but it is a helpful hobby, too. Last construction dip, I moved to Oahu and drove a tour bus for awhile. The construction drop before that one, I did upholstery work. Now is a good time to be building since there will be lots of folks who will respond to your request for quotes.
Building is good fun although your brother will probably tear his hair out a couple of times during the process. It will all be worth it once it's done and the whole process is very educational as well as strengthening. Generally you aren't the same person after you are done building a house as you were when you started.
A hui hou,