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Donkey Adoptions
Can you get breeding sets?

Contact Bird McIver at CB Horse Rescue She's mentioned in the article you linked to. It's a good article - mahalo for sharing it. There is currently a discussion about the donkeys on
Looks like your extra info tripped my pipedreams again- I'm not on the big Island yet but I have a empty lot on Kamuela side. Maybe I can convince Donkey Rescue to utlilize my lot and help me qualify for the ag property tax exemption. Plus I can learn more about the donkey biz.

The chron seem to cast donkeys as a problem more for the manmade part of Waikoloa than the native landscape. I'd rather relocate them to the Puna side to trim the greenery though they seem to prefer the scrub desert. Maybe a better environment for hoofed animals is going up to the Saddle Road where the dense forest transitions to lava fields? I actually encountered a donkey slowly jaywalking the road when I was driving through Waikoloa blocking my right of way didn't even bother to look up at me. Didn't think much of it because I saw him coming from so far out in the distance.looked so big and lethargic. But if they're less than 100 pounds as the article states sounds much more lovable and huggable than say a lawnmower!

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