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Value-Added Producer Grant
PR - More info here

Grants are now available to assist producers who want to add value to the commodities they produce on their farm. The deadline for applying for the 2008 Value-Added Producer Grant Program is March 31......

"The Value-Added Producer Grant program creates jobs and improves the financial returns for producers and farm families across rural Hawaii," says Shin. "I hope producers with interest in starting or expanding their value-added business will give us a call."....

Further information about Value-Added Producer Grants and other Rural Development programs is available by calling the agency at 808-933-8313, at a local Rural Development office or at A copy of the 2008 Value Added Producer Grant Notice of Solicitation of Application is available at

Today in History:
A man sets fire to his sport utility vehicle after driving it into the ticket lobby of Kahului Airport, Maui, Hawai'i, 2004
Very cool link
This wold be good for African Snail hunters, process the meat (smoked Poki) and utilize the shell! Made in Hawaii fishing sinker or mini Conch shell necklace! 100% Hawaiian made!
Gordon J Tilley
So what exactly does VALUE ADDED PRODUCER even mean???

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Originally posted by pslamont

So what exactly does VALUE ADDED PRODUCER even mean???

The Deadline is tomorrow March 31.

All applications must be received by March 31, 2008.

Who May Apply?

There are four eligible entities that can apply for the funds. Those are:

Independent Producer.

An individual producer of agricultural commodities or products including those products from aquaculture, fish harvesting, and wood lot enterprises can be an individual producer;

An association of producers such as a producer owned corporation, LLC, or LLP solely owned by producers.

A steering committee composed of agricultural producers in the process of organizing an association to operate a value-added venture.

An independent producer can not produce under contract or joint ownership with any organization other than their own.

Farmer or Rancher Cooperative

A business incorporated under state cooperative or corporation statutes that is farmer or ranched owned, farmer or rancher controlled, and benefits are returned to the farmer or rancher owner on the basis of patronage of the cooperative.

Farmer or rancher owned cooperatives must propose ventures that are entering into emerging markets.

Agricultural Producer Groups

Any organization that represents independent producers such as a producer trade association or a state or national commodity group. Agricultural Producer Groups must propose ventures that are entering emerging markets.

Majority-Controlled Producer Based Business Ventures

A corporation, LLC, LLP, or other type of business structures where producers have more than 50 percent ownership and control of the entity. Majority-Controlled Producer Based Business Ventures must propose project activities that are entering emerging markets.

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