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Has anyone built a pond in your garden
KC, asked Kevin about the sturgeon, they are doing fine, but still not mating.... still off sync.... They are now eating up to 7# of food a day, so at least they have an appetite for SOMETHING!
hahaha no PG rating here! Oh that's right it life not movies!

mella l

"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and wrong....because sometime in your life you will have been all of these."
mella l
Art and Science
[quote]Originally posted by mella l

hahaha no PG rating here!

Do they have those movies for fish (13 and up?)
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Is sodium bentonite clay available in hawaii? I am thinking just dig a hole and sprinkle the dry powdered clay on the bottom. As the water level rises, keep sprinkling the clay around the perimeter. The leaking water will carry the clay into the cracks where it will swell and seal. I am thinking this will work better in lava rock than it does in regular soil although I have no experience to base this on. I figure if you dig a hole in lava you get mostly rock, which is impervious to water, with cracks between. Now, when you look in the hole you might think there are a lot of cracks, but compared to a hole dug in soil, where there are untold trillions of soil particles and gaps between, our situation seems more amenable to sealing.

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