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What fruit is this?
I just went to Nani Mau Gardens today and found on the ground several flattened oval bright red fruits with four sepal/petals on the top, and the skin was like velvet...very furry. Is this a persimmon? A fuyu persimmon? I looked it up on google and the only photos looked like the skin was smooth, but this fruit is totally velvety. It is such a gorgeous fruit! Not sure if it's edible, but for some reason I think it's a persimmon? Loved Nani Mau Gardens, but sure wish they had more of their plants/trees labeled!!!! They had a zillion citrus trees, but no idea what types/species they are... Kama'aina rates for entry were only $7.00 a person....well worth the visit.


Wherever you go, there you are.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Hey I found it! Someone at the Maku'u Farmers' Market had that poster of fruits grown on the Big Island, and there it's a Mabolo fruit, popular in the Philippines. Apparently some folks grow it just because the fruit is so gorgeous. It is edible, but it doesn't sound like it's any stupendously flavored fruit. I'll give it a try soon. Meantime, it apparently smells like stinky cheese from the skin, which you peel before eating the fruit which apparently tastes like a cross between apple/banana, but is rather mealy and not very juicy. I don't mind the smell, but David thinks it's horrid. Incredibly lovely fruit, tho....

for more info...


Wherever you go, there you are.
Wherever you go, there you are.
can't be any worse than durian. though, i've never tasted it, andrew zimmern of bizzare foods, says the smell is INCREDIBLE and not in a good way.

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order shall return."

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