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Yurts information ,free of "personal" stuff
About a decade or so ago (maybe it's been longer than that come to think of it) if you were building a structure under 1,800 square feet you could submit owner-builder plans to the building department and pay a small fee and build it. You had to meet the current building codes and couldn't sell it for five years after it was built but that was about the only restriction. That was before the two big hurricanes, though.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
You can still submit an owner-builder permit, I'm not aware of a sqare footage requirement or a specific number of years that you have to own it... and J, what debate are you talking about? It seems you launched into another topic altogether... I'd be very interested to hear what you have to say about it - in another thread - hear what others think about it and chime in myself a bit, too.

Yurt Girl
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

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