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Pitbull ban in Hawaii


It's like with kids - someone abuses them-they go to child protective services!And so called parents are prosecuted by law.

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
an additional fine assessed atop the cost of services if neglect of the animal in question is determined.
while I agree with your standards, Steven, Hawai'i has a long way to go. It wasn't long ago that the "cruelty to animals" fine was raised to hurt slightly. When I came here it was legal to sell pets as food. "Neglect" here has to be a lot worse than inadequate facilities and exercise.

It's the custom here to tie up and starve pig hunting dogs to give them the necessary edge for hunting.

Arghh! When you move here, perhaps you can crusade to change things, but realize that what seems obvious and right to you (and me) is probably not to a lot of dog owners.
I feel that this bill has good intention but poor foundation. It is reactionary at best. This bill's main propulsion is fear. Unfortunately fear may once again prevail over people's rights.
My mother has worked for both the SPCA on the continent and the Humane Society here. Yes, pit bulls have gained notoriety in the past couple decades. Deservingly so? I cannot say for sure. I have seen the sweetest pit, to the meanest pit. But I have not seen anything in a pitbull that I have not seen in many other breeds of dogs ( minus the ability to lock it's jaws). Can we really say that without pitbulls people won't train other, equally as dangerous dogs to fight, attack or terrorize? Will the absence of pits suddenly change the minds of the unconscious people who use these animals in abusive, dangerous ways?
Owner accountability is a dire need for many animal issues, especially dog attacks, but the dogs are no more to blame than the thousands of responsible pit bull lovers.
I do not own a pit and never have. Do I want to take away an other's right to own and care for one? No. Do I want pitbull and other animal owners to be held more accountable, responsible? Of course.
I have some friends with the nicest, most well trained pit bull you'd ever wanna see. I feel as comfortable with my children around this dog as I do with them around our own dogs. This dog, this pit bull by the way, is like my friend's child, seriously. Now if this bill should pass, my friends would be asked to basically give up their child or be criminals. Unlike our state legislature, I cannot ask anyone to make sacrifices that I myself could not make.
All out bans on natural, living things has proven calamitous.
Lets take some responsibility for our own actions as grown human beings and realize to fix so many of our problems means fixing us, not nature.
Now sure, snakes are illegal here and they are animals too. But dogs are known for their closeness and companionship to man and their ability to communicate with us emotions and intellect. Not to mention dogs are well established here.
Is there not even a grandfather clause here for the thousands of "good" owners?
This is simple:

1. Pitbulls are generally very dangerous to people and to other dogs.
2. They are dangerous because of their powerful jaws and because of their disposition which is to defend and attack.
3. Pitbulls are often very kind to their own pack: the owner, children of the owner, frequent visitors of the owner.
4. They are generally deadly to all others.
5. Leash laws are very lax in Hawaii.
6. There have been many, many incidents of loose pit bull attacks on residents of Hawaii and even pitbull attacks on very young family members.
7. Pitbulls are rightly presumed dangerous.
8. All pitbulls in Hawaiian kennels should be humanely destroyed immediately.
9. All pitbulls in the possession of private owners that are not licensed should be destroyed.
10. It should be illegal to possess a pitbull that has not been licensed by June 1, 2009.
11. For reasons of public safety, no pitbulls should be licensed after June 1, 2009.
12. Pitbulls that are licensed by June 1, 2009 shall be re-licensed upon payment of fees and proof of proper vaccinations.
13. No owner who is in possession of a pitbull that has been licensed prior to June 1, 2009 shall be deprived of that pitbull if the pitbull has been licensed.
[quote]Originally posted by alaskasteven

Rob- which breeds of cats are illegal in Hawaii? Ordinary domestic cat breeds? I did not realize there were any restrictions on cat breeds in Hawaii.

This cat is banned in Hawaii a/o July 05, and here is a site with a pic of said banned domestic cat.

pets of puna, but mine didn't make the cut.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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