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I have had 3 different phone calls recently about sightings, 2 in Hawaiian Beaches and one in HPP...I checked them all out of course but unfortunately they were not my dogs. I just want to say THANK YOU again to all the people that are looking at the posters and giving us a call if they think they might have our dogs. Hopefully one day a call will bring one of our dogs home. The last dog I saw looked a lot like Foxy but was a male (not neutered) The man said that he found it running up by the if anyone knows of a lost dog up there let me know...Maybe it is the dog I just saw...It was very very friendly and sad..Mahalo
Just posted an update on my post (care of your pets)about a missing little 9yr old yorkie terrier mix lost since 5/13 someone found her Sunday, very thin and dirty, cleaned her up and contacted the Humane Society. 6/22, they brought her home [Smile]
Don't give up hope, and keep checking with the Humane society!
I just got 2 offers from very nice people to put money in on the reward!! I hesitate to take them up on their offer just for the logistics of it and it just seems to me that $100 should be enough to motivate someone to return the dogs. I really think they are seperated by now, but you never know. I want to thank again everyone who has been keeping an eye out for my dogs. Still no dogs and it has been more than a month. All we can do is hope that someone sees one of them and gives us a call. It gives me a little hope hikatz, that someone found that yorkie after more than a month..we keep hoping that is going to be our story too. Thank you again to all you great people, we have had about 5 calls from sightings but none of them are ours..Mahalo Judi
I saw a dog that looked a little like Gunther at the humane society on Friday. sorry i didn't think to call you, I was distraught because I am looking for my dogs that are missing. The guy at the humane society said that we have to come every other day to look. It seems the only way they will contact you is if your dog is wearing a tag or has a micro chip. they are closed today (July 4) and tomorrow. they open at 9 am Monday. You should go look first thing Monday morning. I was also told that they only keep the dogs for 48 hours, (longer if there is a holiday) then they are adopted or put to sleep.[Sad]

Donna Fryman

Donna Fryman
We think we just saw Foxy on Rt. 132 between Rt. 130 and Lava Tree State Park. She was on the side of the road at about the 2 mile sign. It was raining and she was just standing there. When we came by on our way back home, the dog was gone. We had our 2 dogs in the car, so we could not stop and try to get her into our car. This was at about noon today. I tried to call your phone number, but the mailbox is full and I could not leave a message. Hope this info helps.

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