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"locking" old threads
Is there an easy way to "lock" old threads so they can be read but not dredged back up for comments? I just had to scroll through pages of a 2 year old thread looking for new pertinent info, only to discover there wasn't any, just a tangentially related snippet of information.

There is a point when threads become outdated, useful for back research but not fruitful to start back up. Sometimes brand new members go through the archives and comment on a whole slew of old threads that many people here have already thoroughly hashed over with a few bruised toes and egos. Sometimes it is a nuts and bolts issue with formerly helpful information that just isn't relevant anymore which gets brought back up. It seems like it would be better if people would just start a new thread. I don't know anything about how forum sites run, but I wondered if there could be an automatic time limit on the life of a sleeping thread.
Mahalo for your patience and hard work for all us Punawebbers.

Thanks for all you


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
csgray - great post - I agree! Mahalo!

"Each thing I do I rush through so I can do something else" - Cemetery Nights/Stephen Dobyns
There is a method of locking topics. It is all a value judgement and I lack time to go back
and assess 2,000+ topics as to their expiration dates.
I mostly depend on people to use some degree of judgment.
That doesn't always work.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
"... I mostly depend on people to use some degree of judgment.
That doesn't always work. ..."

I'm a moderator on a 79,000+ member forum and I can attest to that!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Hey,Eghtfingers,which forum?
And being a moderator is a dangerous job -that's how you lost your 2 fingers?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

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