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convert VHS to DVD?
Does anyone out there know of someone that converts old VHS tapes
to DVDs? I have 2 old home movies and want copies for family.
You can buy VHS/DVD machine at Sears that will burn your old vhs tapes to DVD. They run about $150.00
We have a copy set-up that others have borrowed... Hubby has done this for others also... we are in Keaau town.... email if you are interested.... (right now he is in 'mom is coming to visit - gotta do work on the house" mode... but if you are in no big rush....)

Yeah, Sears had that Sony unit on sale recently for $150, which was much cheaper than this past Christmas Season (I think around $175).

It works like a charm!

Originally posted by macuu222

You can buy VHS/DVD machine at Sears that will burn your old vhs tapes to DVD. They run about $150.00


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