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It's 10:08 a.m. and lower HPP is under attack!!!
From hpp board

Author Topic: Burgular Warning From Police: MAR 6th 10:30AM (Read 1 time)
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Burgular Warning From Police: MAR 6th 10:30AM
« Result #1 Today at 3:35pm »
According to a Police Officer, a young male with light colored or bleach hair, known to them as a severe thief problem is currently in the area. No name was given. The general area is coast to 8th streets.

The Police helicopter is in patrol and searching. The Officers are moving house to house to inform residence.

The police advise to report any suspicious activity or people immediately. DO NOT APPROACH THIS PERSON.

Advise your neighbors. Lock up household and belongings.
Please keep your digital cameras and video cameras ready to record any evidence or activity.

Oahu has a special law dealing with construction sites, much heavier penalty than most theft raps. It seems to help alot, someone might check it out.
Gordon J Tilley
Is this who they're looking for? Sounds like the guy that tatoo shop was after.
Originally posted by dirk1609

didn't we vote on something to do with this?
Didn't the people of Hawaii vote no to this crap?
I was always told there is a reason to vote that it cause change.
I don't see any change just people not carrying want the people of Hawaii have to say

I had a dark gray heli over my house last week in Ocean View. Hovering VERY close and very slow while I was unloading wood. It angers me to a ridiculous extent. I almost feel insane after a hour or so of those things flying around and disturbing the peace. I don't see how its legal. Really shows who is in control since there isn't a F#CKING thing we can do about. No mater how low and long they fly there is no one to call to stop it. They just take the complaint that seems to go no where. Just suck it up and if they feel like landing in your yard and ransacking your home, I assume that is somehow ok as well. It doesnt feel very good being reminded that you are a subject of the government and not a citizen of a free country. I wonder just how far the government will push things over the next 10 to 20 years. Really pretty scary as we loose more and more rights every year.

According to the post above it seems that they were trying to protect the public.
You must feel pretty stupid posting what you did.
Many people just jump to conclusions and don’t have the full story before putting their mouth in gear.

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
As mentioned above, helicopters are checking the power lines. Read the newspaper, people.


Now why should I feel stupid for posting what I did?

1. Powerlines no where near my home
2. Im in Ocean View seems they were looking for the wanted kid in Puna
3. Wanted kid 140 lb dark skin/ me 200 lbs 6 foot russian irish hertige (not sure why the heli would be hovering over me.
4. My heli issue was last week and similar event a few days earlier, not this AM

I dont get it.
You do know that you voted in pretty much the same people that was in government last time... so why would you expect things to change....

also, the last time I check you do not own the ground under your feet or the air above your head... that is the Hawaii way... The state owns it all, and I am sure they are OK with the choppers.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Originally posted by Youser

As mentioned above, helicopters are checking the power lines. Read the newspaper, people.

Excuse me, but I live in HPP. I can tell you that there are no HELCO lines directly above my house, only helicopters yesterday! That's great that HELCO informed the public of their work. But the state Narcotic Division doesn't have to inform the public that they are running their "search & seizure" operation simultaneously with HELCO doing their maintenance do they?[Wink] Trust me, there is a pattern to their madness. I've been watching them, and have been hassled by them for over 43 years. So I think I know when it's the feds/state polices in our skies.


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

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