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Beware the yoga fatwa
Just do a regular google search, name, "yoga fatwa" as subject, and there's plenty. I couldn't find it on TH either, their web page needs help!
Gordon J Tilley
yeah, once it's not today's paper it's hard to find op ed, commentary, etc. They archive the news stories; the other stuff not, AFAIK.

I found the subject on the net, but centipede was praising that particular piece of writing.

Just a little joke. I don't believe the baklava was a coincidence though.

Yes, important stuff.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Absolutely control the southern border. reports extensively on border and immigration issues.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
KathyH, I initiated this piece because Puna is a microcosm of America and the issues of ethnic diversity, culture, and peace within our community is reason to celebrate, especially with so much c**p going on in the world, and felt it's not so much an "I Love America" piece, which may offend you, than it is an appreciation of what we have. If the Boston Globe printed a commentary on the volcanic activity taking place a few miles from our homes, that would be acceptable so I don't understand why you brought up that point. And yes, I was praising this particular piece of writing because the issue is related to our community and not religious mania. If anything, you're not way out there with PaulW, who doesn't even think it applies to the USA and you may very well have a point, so I'll try to muzzle myself a bit in the future. Mahalo.
The article Centipede refers to is a great piece detailing the rise of religious fundementalism in Malaysia where Muslim clerics (aka "church leaders") have told Muslims they can't do yoga. What I find ironic though is that people can spot fundamentalism and its extremes elsewhere, but not in their own country. For example, there is a bill to allow civil unions between same sex couples in Hawaii? Who came out in force to express their opposition? That's right -- the American Taliban...all the fundamentalists who subscribe to a religion that has the same roots as that of the clerics in Malaysia who have declared yoga sinful. Let's pluck the mote out of our own eye before we pluck it out of our brother's.
The PE teacher at my high school in Southern Indiana in the 70s was fired for teaching her basketball and softball teams yoga meditation techniques to mentally prepare for games. The fundamentalists who ran the town accused her of "satanic" practices and "undermining good Christian values." In that town "freedom of religion" meant you could choose which brand of Protestant Christian you would belong to. Believing anything else was strongly and often publicly condemned. I don't see much difference between the two camps, fundamentalist Christians or fundamentalist Muslims. Some of the more extreme Bible thumpers I grew up around would have happily beheaded unbelievers if they thought they could get away with it.

One of the things I really like about Hawaii is the diversity of deeply held religious practices; no one religion has an overly dominant voice and there is a book of Buddhist writings along with Gideons in hotel rooms.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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