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pvc greenhouse plans
I used a simple arch tunnels for season extending hothouses (made of 10' lengths of 1" PVC tubing slipped into 1 1/2" sleeves spaced 6' apart in the ground - 2 sets of arches together held clear poly film quite nicely) in our raised bed gardens back in Illinois.
I modify the base using 4”x4” – 18” set in concrete . Bulk screen for the sides and 18 mil plastic over 20’ 1” pvc
I also run a 2x6 down the center supported on each end by a 4x4 and 2x4’s for a door frame. Makes it sturdy and gives one a spot to suspend some high pressure sodium lighting if so inclined – makes the pole beans grow like crazy
Rudy’s' over by the cu Hawaii and greenhouse specialties have good quality materials for the screen and plastic....

12 x 20 for about $250 in parts

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