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Fresh Drinking Water From The Air?
Reverse Osmosis essentially does the same thing. It gives you water with zero minerals.
Yep what James says, large kwh draw equals $$$$$ This is kind of like converting corn into alchohol (takes more energy to produce then its worth).

Maybe makes sense in areas where water is scarce such as the dessert and you are running the air conditioner anyways and cheap clean power coming from Hoover dam.

In Puna just do rain water catchment w/ UV filter (makes way more sense) espcially for laundry and showers.
You guys make excellent points. I wondered if it might be a viable alternative to water delivery for those that are on catchment and do not drink the water. This would certainly not be suffice as the only source of water. Still the costs (both for the unit itself and operating it) seem a little extreme. We are planning to do a well anyway and hope that water is drinkable.

Here is a link to the manufacturer:

I looked into distributing but they're a Canadian company looking for distributors in highly populated metro areas. In addition, they only run on electric - which to me was a downer for selling in Puna.

Great idea though.

Peace - Anna
...oh, and btw, each unit cost about $1500.

Peace - Anna
I think some brands of these machines allow you to filter over or add minerals to enhance taste and nutrition.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Once you UV sterilize the water it is as clean as any other source. In round numbers the dehumidifier machine is no more high tech than a good filter system. In fact, it relies on a good filter system. Rain is water from the air anyway.

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