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dogs and cane toads
Originally posted by hikatz

.....Friends that have the same problem, confine their dogs to a chain link kennel. On the outside, up to about halfway you can put deer netting or wire mesh, to stop the toads from coming in.

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

well that's why I posted about my closet invasion ...
to emphasize how tight the barrier needs to be to keep them out.

however, your post said,..... "point being that they can get through where you wouldn't believe it could be done". it did NOT, "emphasize how tight the barier needs to be to keep them out."

i'm not trying to argue with you. i merely quoted hikatz's solution to the problem for outdoor enclosures.

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

without seeing a dimension on the materials hikatz listed, I couldn't be sure if the holes were tight enough.

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