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Mayor Vows tougher ethics code for Island
The title should be procurement rip-offs. Please, Mr. Mayor, publish a list of all county employees that contract with the County to sell goods and services to the County, not just to their own department. Please request a list from each Department head, including the Employees Name, the goods and services they sell, the date the initial contract was approved, subsequent dates for renewal of those contracts, and whether the contract was granted in-house or let out to bid via publication in a newspaper of record. Further, by contract, let us know which contracts had overruns and why?

I could never figure out why the County had a Board of Ethics.
Now we learn, from the HTH, that Randell Riley, head of the county Automotive Division, and Highway Maintenance Division Head Stanley Nakasone, who controls the contract, had gone to a previous Ethics Board for clearance.

So that's how the Ethic's Board worked. A hah!
Lenient? How about corrupt!

Mad Dog, I'd appreciate your comments on Wed. 5/27 article in the HTH.


I like this one too - oops we forgot to tax that building... Nothing new though, nor do dis honest politicians ply their trade just in Hawaii.

Home of the mighty right wing, Orange County Ca, jailed its sheriff (carona) last year. He took less than one thousand dollars in exchange for his honor. Got 66 months

It seems at times that Plato was right in speaking about politicians "those who most want the job are least qualified" - pardon the loose paraphrase
Bullwinkle, what a great moniker, well it seems Boris and Natasha and their despicable evil intentions have nothing over our local "Powers that BE".
You seem to really be interested in keeping these Knee Walking Turkeys HONEST!
The only way the KWT (Knee Walking Turkeys) remain in power is when we let them.


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