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'Traveling Beek' coming to Big Isle
Beeks is the abbreviated term some use for beekeepers. As some of you know, bees are under assault from invasive pests they have no defense against here on the Big Island. Now the Big Island Beekeepers Assoc. is bringing in someone who specializes in strengthening the genetics of bee colonies. Here's the press release:

Nationally recognized bee expert Larry J. Connor, Ph.D. will discuss how to rejuvenate bee colonies after Òa devastating yearÓ of attacks on Big Island hives, according to Cary Dizon, Big Island Beekeepers Association president. Connor is known for working with local beekeepers around the country and helping them establish breeding programs to improve the health of their bee colonies.
A columnist with Bee Culture Magazine and the American Bee Journal where he is known as ÒThe Traveling Beekeeper,Ó Connor will speak at the Keaau Community Center on Wednesday, Feb. 16 and at the Kainaliu Extension Office in Kona on Wednesday, Feb. 23. The public is invited to the meetings, both of which will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Big Island beekeepers are reeling from bee colony losses due to such invasive pests as the Small Hive Beetle and Varroa mite. ÒWe need to replace the lost colonies and begin to supply orchardists and new beekeepers with managed colonies, to replace the lost feral colonies that once dominated pollination on our island,Ó Dizon said.
Connor will also conduct a day-long master class to enable local beekeepers to begin a program producing queen bees for replacement colonies. His work has focused on improving colony genetics by breeding for disease resistance and local conditions.
Connor received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University before becoming Extension Apicultural Entomologist for Ohio State University at Columbus. He helped establish the worldÕs first mass production facility for instrumentally inseminated queen honey bees. The author of four books, he has owned the publishing firm Wicwas Press since 1988.
For more information, call Dizon at 966-7421 or visit the Big Island Beekeepers Association website at http:///

Isolation is a double edged sword. Untill a few years ago we had the cleanest bees in the world, with few parasites and diseases. Unfortunately with no reason to have defenses the bees seem to have gotten weak or at least they have not kept up resistance wise with other bees from other parts of the world. They must now play catch-up.

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