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Mokulele and Go airlines merge
I knew something was going to happen. Mokulele was losing money like crazy. But figured they would just file bankrupcty. Didn't really think they would merge with Go. And now we have 2 jet inter-island carriers again.... and instead of all Mokulele flights leaving from the inter-island terminal (where Aloha use to be) in Honolulu...we have to walk even further to the commuter terminal because Go airlines will be absorbing the costs and be the dominate airline.
Apparently go! did this merger mainly to pick up Mokulele's existing customer base, its reservation system, and ground services. Flights, with the exception of the prop hops, will be on go! aircraft.

I know a lot of people who booked on Mokulele to avoid go! and still support a discount airline. Now they will be flying go! and probably won't be happy about it. My crystal ball sees most, if not nearly all, of the Mokulele customers going to Hawaiian when the dust settles.

Expect interisland prices to go up shortly if they haven't already.
Me thinks "merger" a polite term for absorbed for debt. Another (the biggest) reason is they needed those mokulele airplanes back on the mainland very badly. The options were 1) continue to lose money with them over here .... or 2) eat the debt and put them to work on more profitable routes

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