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CoH: Pay as you throw? $2 per bag?

Ah, but your assuming that the CoH isn't required to have a reserve fund. Your assuming that the reserve investment fund can be used as the County needs and that there isn't and rules and regulations (laws) that control how the County can access the funds (if they can).

Now, let’s say the CoH does tap that money to pay expenses. Next year that money won't be in the reserve investment fund which means the CoH isn't going to have the "revenue" from interest. So not only will they not have that money to use, they will not be getting interest on that money which means the $11,873,878.00 income the county receives from those funds wont be coming in any more. So the taxpayers will now need to make up that shortfall going forward. (Not to mention the ability of the County to leverage that fund for bonds and debit service will disappears because the fund is gone)

It does sound good to raid the savings account, but when that savings account is producing a steady income and is tied to the CoH credit worthiness, much thought has to be put into it.
yep, government(all levels) is taking our money investing it, and then becoming dependent on the interest. Good job government.

continue to defend the arrangement, the system will continue to demand more and more from you.

first $2 a bag then 3 then 4 .....

Originally posted by Bob Orts

Ah, but your assuming that the CoH isn't required to have a reserve fund. Your assuming that the reserve investment fund can be used as the County needs and that there isn't and rules and regulations (laws) that control how the County can access the funds (if they can).

Now, let’s say the CoH does tap that money to pay expenses. Next year that money won't be in the reserve investment fund which means the CoH isn't going to have the "revenue" from interest. So not only will they not have that money to use, they will not be getting interest on that money which means the $11,873,878.00 income the county receives from those funds wont be coming in any more. So the taxpayers will now need to make up that shortfall going forward. (Not to mention the ability of the County to leverage that fund for bonds and debit service will disappears because the fund is gone)

It does sound good to raid the savings account, but when that savings account is producing a steady income and is tied to the CoH credit worthiness, much thought has to be put into it.

Originally posted by 808blogger

continue to defend the arrangement, the system will continue to demand more and more from you.
I'm not defending anything; I'm just pointing out that what appeared to be a simple solution from a citizen may not be so simple for government to implement. It comes down to a suggestion to use that money and I'm saying can it even be legally done?

The CoH has an agency where just under half the time employees are working. The other half the time they are sitting around watching t.v, sleeping, reading newspapers, playing games, and just talking. Why are we paying them not to work? The actual workload of that agency can be handled by half the number of workers. Why not eliminate workers? Who came up with this pay for no work idea to begin with? Wouldn't that be a better way to save over $20,000,000 before tapping a reserve fund? It sounds like a no brainier.
yes eliminate county workers, stop all the brand new building projects (however i bet federal $$ is involved in the puna fire/police compound they are building).

local government just got addicted to the high property tax they have been collecting and now need an offset.


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