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General question.
Does anyone know the issues or hurdles related to rezoning RCX or CN to RS or RA?
Depends where it is and what is surrounding it.

Here is the cliff notes version:

File a change of zoning request with county planning with all needed paperwork. (lots of copies! [:p])

Notify applicable neighbors of planning commission meeting when request is on agenda. [}Smile]

Appear at meeting. [Smile]

That is an interesting change. Can I ask what you are trying to achieve with those changes? (They usually go the other way.)
Just wondering how the County looks on removal of commercial zoning in favor of residential. I was thinking of a zoning swap, but it doesn’t appear the County is sophisticated enough to grasp that concept. I was trying to figure out if it was going to be a hassle or if it’s more a common practice. The stretch is RCX, CN, RS and RA, all intermixed.
What you are describing is down-zoning. At the present the Puna Community Development Plan is calling for implementation of TDR - Transfer of Development Rights. Though the language for this is not yet in the code.

Residential uses are already allowed in commercial zoning. Is this a Puna property? Is it in or near a Village Center?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob, its Hilo property. If it was just residential, it has greater development potential. As mixed zoning, it tends to get some worried about what could happen later on. It's the age old fear that the nice little shoe store could end up being a bar or auto parts store.

Would the TDR allow for streamlining of the process to swap one zoning for another on properties? So if two people each had 10 equal adjoining lots of 5 residential and 5 commercial, one person can swap their 5 residential zonings for 5 commercial of the other person? This would make 10 similar zoned lots together. One would now have 10 commercial grouped lots and the other 10 residential grouped lots.
I can't say what TDR would or would not allow as it is not yet in the code. The Action Committee of the PCDP is charged with advancing new codes such as TDR. However, Council Chairman J. Yoshimoto is trying to have that language removed. We are not completely sure why. So TDR is at the moment only a proposal.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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