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Mauna Kea Eggs
I bought a dozen "Mauna Kea Brand" eggs last week 11/10/10 at KTA which I used for breakfast this morning.
I cracked 12 eggs and 9 eggs had double yokes.
Did anyone else have this happen who bought "Mauna Kea Brand" eggs at KTA last week 11/10/10?
Anyone have an idea how this could happen?
You have the luck of the Irish!!
I bought 2 doz for company and ea. box had several doubles also.
That what happens when they hire substitute chickens to do the job.

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
chicken infertility drugs. Let us know when you see 8 yolks in 1 egg. Smile
hmmmm.... is it hormones? When I used to raise chickens I had two hens that were a different breed from the others and when they matured I consistently got double yolks from them and not the others.

Enjoy the day! Ann
Enjoy the day! Ann
What's so special about getting some double yolk specials? So you got a few of them in one dozen? Waiting for conspiracy theories about GMO this and that....

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