Sounds good. As a confirmed glutton and carnivore, I'd like to share my experience regarding diet. My wife and I were introduced to raw foods by a friend, who is a certified raw foods chef. We tried it out and after about a week, my entire views concerning diet changed completely.
My wife became a certified, raw food chef and began un-cooking all manner of dishes.
Within a week, of eating around eighty percent, raw food dishes, I found that they tasted much better than cooked foods, (although I still enjoy them to some extent), filled me up although I was eating one third the amount of food I ate on a "normal" diet.
Four months later, I've lost over twenty pounds and am within ten pounds of my what my weight was in my twenties. I'll probably be there in a month or two.
Eating mostly, (but not all), raw foods provides a rush of energy to the body, while cooked foods feel inert. As much as I hate to admit it, everything the raw foodies claimed was right. Live foods provide a "glow" that cooked foods simply do not.
People tell me my skin looks much better and I no longer scare them, when I sneak up on my friends in the dark.
So, it's a mixed bag. No scaring people in the dark, but the kind of health benefits, including weight loss, that I never got eating cooked foods.
I would not want to go all raw, by any means, but eighty percent or so has worked, big time.
Wash them vegies good, now! We blanch some of them.
Wishing an enjoyable and productive OA Retreat.