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My letter to the editor re: Resolution 237-09
To use a, IMHO, better example than h1n1 and that is TB. To get into school you must have a TB test. You can not "opt out" unless you go get a chest Xray instead.

TB averages in the US is down to 4.2 per 100,000 with Hawaii holding the nation's highest case rate at 9.6 per 100,000 population. It was twice the national average.

Would I want to be exposed to TB? No, sorry, I dont.

Here's where I see the issue and why I used TB as an example - the person who doesn't want a TB test of any kind, thats fine. But what about my rights? Don't I have the right to a healthy environment free from TB?

So my thought is IF you feel strongly about the vaccines, then stay home. I think by trying to assert every right, you also take other peoples rights away.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
Precisely. It comes down to does the right of a individual to their beliefs and convictions exceed the rights of the community to health and safety.

The whole Emily Vaccine Brouhaha has informed me on a number of issues. I am pleased to understand that the Hawaii National Guard is not coming to stick a needle in my arm. That vaccines are available to those that want them and to those that might not. That in a National Emergency those declining vaccinations have a option - quarantine - which preserves their right to choose. That the Council Reslution, while distracting, is of no effect.

It is disappointing that some folks rely on rumors and don;t take the time to go to the source. The claim of an October 14th statement by the Governor that mandatory vaccinations were pending via the National Guard was a bogus inflation. Oh well.

Life goes on.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I have heard a lot of arguments here on whether or not any vaccines are mandatory. This is off subject. I have also heard a lot of people defending the safety of vaccines as if they have personal knowledge on the subject or its history. Who can seriously stand and defend the safety of all vaccines in general when there have been thousands and there are several versions for the H1N1 alone, all "approved" by our "trusted" FDA in a matter of weeks of the WHO's pandemic declaration.
If you read the manufacturers data on some of these vaccines, they may remind you of all the other pharma commercials where the side effects appear worse than the actual affliction. This may be the case with the swine flu. Doctors from around the globe have reported that the swine flu is no more, and possibly less, severe than the regular seasonal flu. according to the Tribune-Herald/AP News, out of aprx. 50 million people diagnosed with H1N1, only .02% have died from it and this data does not include info on pre-existing conditions or other complications. Why is this a federal health emergency with "strong recommendations" to vaccinate? Why are has the government spent billions on the R&D and now billions on supplying the vaccines to as many folks as possible? The Tribune-Herald even reported that, as some of us have known, seasonal flu death data by the CDC has been oddly configured to include pneumonia related deaths as well as heart attacks and strokes? This is how numbers like 36k deaths a year are achieved in order to panic people into conforming. Be it finacial or other, if you cannot perceive a hidden agenda here, I don't know what to tell you; I pray for you.

hhs.#8203;gov/#8203;news/#8203;press/#8203;2009pres/#8203;07/#8203;20090713bhtml ("HHS Purchases
> Additional H1N1 Vaccine Ingredients")
> ( describes how the HHS has contracted pharm. companies for pandemic
> flu vaccine production since at least 2004 at the tax payer cost of $1
> billion+)London Times May 11,1987 article titled : "Small Pox Vaccine Triggered
> AIDS Virus" (check cidpusa.#8203;org/#8203;london_#8203;times_#8203;smallpox_#8203;vaccine.#8203;htm)
> news.#8203;bbc.#8203;co.#8203;uk/#8203;hi/#8203;english/#8203;health/#8203;newsid_#8203;1528000/#8203;15
("How The
> Flu Turns Killer")
> newsbbc.#8203;co.#8203;uk/#8203;cbbcnews/#8203;hi/#8203;newsid_#8203;4440000/#8203;newsid...

> ("Deadly Virus Sent Out By Accident")
> www.#8203;news.#8203;wisc.#8203;edu/#8203;6463 ("With Tweak, Flu Virus Is A Killer")
> cmbi.#8203;bjmu.#8203;edu.#8203;cn/#8203;news/#8203;0701/#8203;39.#8203;htm ("Concern As Revived 1918 Flu
> Virus Kills Monkeys")

You Cannot Know Your Future If You Don't Know The Past!


Rasman. Unless you can make a point in relation to Puna and Hawaii you will have to take it somewhere else. Emily did sponsor a council resolution resisting "mandatory" vaccinations. Which is fine and dandy considering that there are no mandatory vaccination programs to be found. This is on subject.

Speak to Hawaiian aspects of this.

If you want to take on the history of infectious diseases, CDC and FDA take it to Washington, not here.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

I think your point about the lack of deaths caused by h1n1 is logical only in a cursory examination.

I am no fan of the current FDA it is largely funded and controlled by lobbyists and appointees of politicos who are bought and paid for by big pharma. I very rarely use pills, or traditional western medicines. I readily adopt holistic preventative measures from both east and western hemispheres. I think most of us on punaweb do the same to some extent, be it through local or herbal means or more aggressive and intentfull research.

At one point in history some vaccines had enough mercury in them to be unhealthy. No longer. Most all marine organisms and a lot of hawaiian soils and groundwaters do have appreciable amounts of mercury. Thank-you Big Sugar. Some people do have immune responses to some vaccines. Some have even died of complications. BILLIONS of lives have been saved. I don't even need to go into the horrors that smallpox and polio wreaked upon our ancestors.

Honestly, flu vaccines are of negligible efficacy. If you are healthy and not overly exposed, you probably shouldn't get one. If you work in healthcare, schools, transport hubs, etcetera you are very likely to be exposed and contract some version of this year's flu. The statistics make it worthwhile for said persons to innoculate themseleves to avoid a lenghty period of sickness AND contagiousness.

Which brings us to my point. Flu viruses (and others) mutate rapidly. Everything mutates, this is natural. The more a virus reproduces,(which requires a host)the more the likelihood of mutations. The more mutations the more likely an espceially virulent or mobile form will be generated. Thankfully for our ecology the same mutations occur in humans, just on a much slower scale. Our reproductive rates and generation times are magnitudes lower than that of viruses. Milions of viruses live, mutate, reproduce, and die in the course of the average flu infection. We generally need around 20 years for ONE mildy mutated human to become reproductive. Thus while humanity is unlikely to go extinct without vaccines, because of the incredibly small number of people with natural immunity, the cost in human suffering would/can be staggering. Examples: Cholera and the New World (largely extinct or disease decimated races: aztecs, mayans, incans, native americans, innuit), the Black Plague, the Great Flu Pandemics of the early 1900's. When we see avian and swine flu's that wipeout 75% of the animals they infect it's pretty humbling. That could easily be us, dying like, well, animals. Life is very cheap in natures eyes. Asian countries have slaughtered insane and disgusting numbers of animals in the last decade trying to stop the spread of these flu's. We will not be killing millions of exposed people to protect our species. Thus vaccines.

Influenza is a virus that can infect different species. It can mutate in one species before jumping to another. All of this is constantly ongoing, statistically we are bound to encounter a high moridity, extremely virulent form of the flu. It could concievably wipe out large portions of humanity. Think of how deadly ebola is. Ebola is so deadly it usually kills people too quickly for them to spread it. The flu is seen as commonplace and with our modern transportation systems can easily be in every continent, major country, and airport in a couple weeks before we know how deadly it is. Since the cessation of DDT use in the U.S. (production and export continue) bedbug populations have been increasing 10 fold every year. I will argue against the use of DDT until i die. It almost sent most of our countries raptors into extinction. I will argue against pasteurization of cheeses and beers. But in a world where money and profit margins are often more important than safety we often need to find compromises. It used to be more vaccines were mandatory. We live in a time of freedoms.

Federal school lunch program suppliers have been found to be far inferior to fast food chains suppliers. Money and lawsuits have driven McDonalds and Jack in the Box to provide bacterially safer meats than our public schools.

There is no clear easy conclusion to be met here.

Corporations suck...some of the time.

Governments suck...some of the time.

Corporate/Government vaccines suck, sometimes, like if they were medically ineffective and federally mandated, all to increase lucrative contracts to campaign contributors. That would suck. Is it happening? Are the bills in your wallet evil because they are connected to the Wars in the Middle East? If you buy an airline ticket with a card from one of the federal bailout recipients, is the the ticket you use to go see someone you love evil?

Parts of all levels of government are concerned about the lives of their constituents. We can argue about organic vs. corporate farms, parks vs buisnesses, and anarchists vs socialist until we all wither away. Day to day we care about our own lives and those of people in our community more than anything else. IF a deadly flu (which h1n1 might have been) started killing your neighbors, or if you refused vaccination and quarantine during a PANDEMIC state of emergency and unwittingly infected others, or caused a reinfection you and your peers, you would have some serious issues. When things are tough people need to compromise and band together. When things are nice, i'm with you man; life, liberty, and the pursuit of freedom.

I love puna's libertarian cant, but i'm also a progressive. No mandatory vaccinatons are happening. Frankly, if a dangerous flu does occur our response will probably be too slow and mandatory vaccinations could be way too late. After that, people will be railing against these same officials for not doing enough, for getting vaccinations themselves, or for being "responsible" for killing their loved ones. Public service sucks that way, someone's always going to hate you.

We should ask hard questions about how vaccines are approved, manufactured, paid for, and who stands to make money from those processes. But one also needs to recognize that disease is not a person you can not deal with it as such. Viruses are mathematical, flexible, and unfeeling, only through such methodical and consistent methods can we in our unnaturally populated and modern world hope to deal with them humanely. Massive amounts of human suffering exist now because of inequitable medical services in the world. I suggest you try to reallocate money spent on Viagra and Botox to those starving or dying for lack of care. Those are causes that need energy and action. Dedicate some time to the Christmas Wish Program. It's local and largely effective both psyhcologically and materially in helping the same people in our community that you feel need to be protected from non-mandatory, unavailable, safe vaccines.


(notice i bought it back around to puna rob Wink )
Hmmm, While they're at it I think the county should take a stand against the state mandating that dogs coming to Hawaii should be quarantined (or jumping through a lot of expensive hoops). Frankly, my dog means a lot more to me than most people I come across and I'd like to have his rights remain unimpinged. Here's some redeeming qualities about him. My dog doesn't drive on the shoulder of the road, my dog doesn't throw trash on the vacant lots in my neighborhood (at least non-biodegradable trash), my dog doesn't drink and drive, my dog tends to be pretty happy most of the time and really quiet the rest of the time, and my dog does understand the importance of being nice to little ones. Hmmm, can I have my dog run for office? He's friendly, plays well with others and is not given to making noise for no reason.

What does that have to do with the topic, ummm, very little to nothing except the last statement. All levity aside, the real topic should be why did the paper let the elected officials get away with their public health statement regarding the effectiveness of vaccinations and not call them on it? I tend to follow public health issues and one that rang a bell was the measles outbreak in San Diego. I think it's worth a read.

As for vaccines being effective, how many of you know people with polio? I do. She's in her 70's. My un-scientific observation is that I don't know anybody else with polio. Not to say it's not out there, but in 40 years of living and of living all over our country, I've come across 1 person that had a pretty debilitating disease as a child. Effective enough for me.

OK, I probably earned a "stay on track", but I felt strongly that the actual problem of people listening to hype and not getting immunized is more important than the made up problem of the state "forcing" vaccines on people.


See you in the surf
There were, I believe, 3 public meetings regarding Resolution 237-09.
I attended 2. To the best of my knowledge, public health officials were contacted and invited to shed any light on the subject, by more than one council personnel ( Naeole and Ford's offices for certain). To the best of my knowledge, not only did none show up to help inform the public, but did not give the inquiring council persons any useful or enlightening information regarding Resolution 237-09 or the safety of vaccine programs in general. If public health officials want us to trust their "authority" beyond just taking their word for it, they have not done a very convincing job of it.
I was present however, to hear the testimony of a doctor and two nurses. All three testified in support of Resolution 237-09.
#48 is reporting that a study linking vaccines to autism was a fraud:

From the article:

"An investigation published by the British medical journal BMJ concludes the study's author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, misrepresented or altered the medical histories of all 12 of the patients whose cases formed the basis of the 1998 study -- and that there was "no doubt" Wakefield was responsible.

"It's one thing to have a bad study, a study full of error, and for the authors then to admit that they made errors," Fiona Godlee, BMJ's editor-in-chief, told CNN. "But in this case, we have a very different picture of what seems to be a deliberate attempt to create an impression that there was a link by falsifying the data."

"Britain stripped Wakefield of his medical license in May. "Meanwhile, the damage to public health continues, fueled by unbalanced media reporting and an ineffective response from government, researchers, journals and the medical profession," BMJ states in an editorial accompanying the work.

"Most of his co-authors withdrew their names from the study in 2004 after learning he had had been paid by a law firm that intended to sue vaccine manufacturers -- a serious conflict of interest he failed to disclose. After years on controversy, the Lancet, the prestigious journal that originally published the research, retracted Wakefield's paper last February."

The article goes on to say that vaccinations dropped sharply in both Britain and the U.S. after the study's publication and that outbreaks of measles are way up.

Sure adds some perspective to the resolution that the County Council passed on a 7-1 vote. Of course, the resolution focussed on a non-issue – mandatory vaccinations – but that is not how many people viewed it. Who knows how many people eventually put the health of themselves or their children at risk because of what has now been confirmed to be fraud science?

Hopefully in the future the council will put their faith in doctors and scientists instead of conspiracy freaks and such.


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