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what makes you kama'aina?
Originally posted by hawaiideborah...
Didn't know that punaweb is a non-for-profit that takes donations, or it this another one of your "jokes"? really does take donations. See this link:
#32 really does take donations. See this link:
thanks Kapohocat
I will donate. A very worthy site to donate to.
I love punaweb and the sense of community. I have had a lot of help from the members.
thanks for the info.
"... You know that a sumo is too much food unless you are a 12-15 yr old growing boy!! ...."

I made it 2/3 through one. Sadly no kama'aina for me!.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Actually, the dictionary definition is a good place to start (for discounts, ANY ID that ties you to Hawaii is usually good for the kama`aina rate - inc. library card, school ID, Hawaii ID-not just a drivers lic, tax bill, utility bill, lease, mortgage... the list goes on...) :

Kama `aina means child of the land.

If you think about some of the explanations, they are when you feel as if you we raised here, you know the past, you know the people, you gain an ease with the talk, the people, the flow and the rhythm of the place. You are an aunt or an uncle to many, may have even acquired a hanai child.

For some, they were born to be here, others work at it and never truly get it...


Carey, thank you for another heartfelt wonderful answer.

And, me still not yet a resident, will add it was easier to see what was not "kama'aina" when I visit than what was. Live in Puna 20 years and all your friends were caucasian? I saw that. Two big burly guys stop by your car to ask if you need help as you wave your map about? Very kama'aina. Our first reaction when we saw them put on the brakes, not kama'aina. We are learning. It is such a difference from what we are accustomed to seeing. When one can feel the reasons behind the difference, will we be kama'aina?
Peace and long life
well, the question might be this...

How long does it take to get a kama'aina rate?

A: As soon as you get a Hawaiian Drivers License! Smile

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