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Help! We need a rental
Hi all! Help! we need a temporary rental. We are moving over to build our house on Feb 1st, in Hawaiian Paradise Park, and will be needing a rental for 1 to 3 months. We have a small (no impact) chihuahua and 1 cat. We are both long time residents of Maui. My wife is a R.N. at Hilo Medical Center and I run a mobile mechanical repair service. Our home phone number over here on Maui is 808-876-1848 or my service number is 808-205-2345 We would prefer to be in HPP but the local area would be ok to. Aloha's, Pat and Holly

Aloha Pat & Holly,

perhaps you folks can try the 'Hawaii Tribune' Newpaper's web site want ads? They always show a listing of HPP rentals.
What part of Maui are you leaving? Myself, I was raised in Lahaina. But I left in about 1974. Once I lost my $100.00 a month house, I felt it was time to go. Lahaina was no longer the sleepy little fishing town it once was. Instead I was a witness to progress,whether I liked it or not. I remember when Kaanapali was dirt road all the way out to Honolua Bay. But soon Condos started popping up fast than pimples on a teenagers face!

Ahhhh the memories..


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Google Mango Bay I think it's on 26th.
Two three bedroom good price and nice owners.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Hey thanks all, my bro in hpp hooked us up, ALOHAS! See you all soon


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