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Cell phone antennae
We have a tower in HPP that is 45' tall, and I was thinking of installing some sort of antenna for cell phone and possibly TV or other reception. We also have a couple of small satellite dishes sitting around not used. Does anyone out there have successful experience with either cell phone signal boosters or re-using the dishes for something?

John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082
John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082

If it was a ham antenna it would have been exempt from zoning, if it is no longer licensed it may have to come down
Wilson electronics has an excellent cell phone amplifier. No tower needed.
I will second Wilson electronics. I've used their boosters and streamed video 14 miles off shore. Put the antennas on top of the main mast. Hooked the booster up and I was watching city meetings, etc.
Thanks for the advice. It seems others who are in the cell phone biz usually include the Wilson blue box in their packages, so it must be the gold standard.

John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082
John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082

I have used this booster to boost the signal at my home in Seaview. We usually got a 1 bar signal which was usually not enough to make or receive calls. This booster boosts the signal to up to four bars anywhere in the house upstairs and down. It is now always enough to make a call and send and receive data. The advantage over some other cheaper boosters is the range it will broadcast.
What are the rules about towers and antenna masts? I have some friends in HA that used a PVC mast with a Wilson booster at the top, and I was thinking of doing something similar to get above the trees. Possibly putting it on some kind of hinged/pulley setup, so I can lower it during storms.
I'll be living out in HA also. I'm putting up a mast also with a Wilson booster. I can't remember the height, but at one point. You have to place a light becon at the top. This is for aircraft. Again, it depends on how high you go, but plan on getting a permit for it. That's if you want a nice size tower with awesome signal. Like I said earlier on. We place our antennas at the very top of our mast on our tugboat. I was streaming city meeting 14 miles off shore with a Wilson booster. I plan on putting a tower in at my place.
Good luck,

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