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Hey kids let's put on a show! 50ac-space available
I'm very unclear as to what exactly your business plan is.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by Smith

Oh thanks. I'll do that.
On the happy farmer note; my habaneros and spaghetti squash just became healthy seedlings!

I posted over in Gardening about spaghetti squash after reading that you are growing it! Can you go over there and give us pointers? if can. Thanks.

Well I spent a long time hoping for someone to offer something like this, with some caveats.

What security do your villagers have that the time/energy/money they invest is protected in some way? My first fear is I move there, build a cabin, create a garden, plant many fruit trees, and just when everything is coming together I am asked to leave.

I'm visiting in October, would love to stop by and check the place out.
I frequent both sites. Yes, there is more of a "things are going downhill fast and we need to make tough decisions to adjust" mentality over there. To be fair there occasionally are posters in both forums that come out of the blue with "I live in NYC, have never seen a tree, and want to sell everything and move to Puna. Are there any jobs"? Smith, your original post was flavored with some of that unbridled optimism which, if not backed up with physical, emotional, and financial resources,would have qualified you for the lukewarm reception. It is simply difficult to tell where you fit yet. It would be a mistake to dismiss a very knowlegable bunch of folks no matter how off-putting the initial reception.
Sounds fertile for a rainbow commune. Hmmmm..... How to avoid 20% from doing 80% of the work?
That's all worked out; but I've learned my lesson about trying to explain myself in these short iPhone bursts.
The main thing is that it's by very selective invitation to those who show integrity and ganas.
People who have already been working on something to show for it.

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