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Here they come
The first regular -non charter- flights from china - the first 50 of them booked

It is always gratifying when visitors come on regular flights, as opposed to arriving through other methods, such as military transports.
Maybe we can recoup some of the interest money we've been paying them on the national debt via the Hawaii Transient Accommodation Tax. Just think, Kelena, the TAT on your vacation rental could help offset our current accounts deficit!
Well, that is a passthrough that goes to the State of Hawaii and not to the Feds. That money in turn goes to state-of-the-art infrastructure, providing ample police and fire protection, providing top-notch schools as well as all of the agriculture inspectors we need to keep out fire ants, loud frogs and, heaven forbid, brown snakes.

Oh, wait. No it doesn't? Where DOES it go? Anyway, it is a mere trickle and not in any way comparable to the flow behind the Three Gorges Dam.

I welcome our visitors!

Edited to remove attempt at posting Chinese characters on Punaweb. It didn't come out too well.

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