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Originally posted by oink

"about the chemicals and heavy metals sprayed into our air without our knowledge or consent"
Please tell me more!
Chemtrails, donchano!

Big Islander to be.
Here are their clients, just to name a few. Will Hawaii be next?
United States Aeromet, Inc. (L-3 Communications) - U.S Department of Defense
BAMEX - Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment
CALIPSO - CloudSat Validation Experiment
Delaware Department of Agriculture Cloud Seeding Program
Edwards Aquifer Authority
Federal Aviation Administration - Great Lakes Division
Gratiot Weather Modification Project
Illinois Weather Modification Projects
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Hurricane Center
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program
New Mexico BLAST (Burst Light and Stratus Transmission) Project
North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP)
North Dakota Thunderstorm Project - North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board
North Dakota Tracer Experiment - North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board
Northeast Sampling Program - Sonoma Technology, Inc.
NSF/NCAR ICE-L Field Campaign
Oklahoma Weather Modification Project (OWMP)
Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District Rainfall Enhancement Program
Santa Barbara County Water Agency
Sonoma Technology, Inc.
Stanislaus Weather Modification Program
State of South Dakota - Department of Natural Resources Division of Weather Modification
Texas Central High Plains Rainfall Enhancement Program
Texas Experiment in Augmenting Rainfall through Cloud Seeding (TEXARC)
Texas Weather Modification Program
The University of North Dakota - US Environmental Protection Agency
University of Arizona - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Upper American River Cloud Seeding Project
Upper Payette River Basin Cloud Seeding Program
Upper Tuolumne River Weather Modification Program
Utah Division of Water Resources
Utah Division of Water Resources
West Central Texas Council of Governments Rainfall Enhancement Program
Western Dakota Water Development District - Black Hills Council of Local Government
Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program
One of the main reasons Ron Paul does not have a chance is because he has supporters like some of the people posting here.
He attracts the crazies. I'm not sure why. It drives off everybody else.

A President who wants to abolish the Department of Education would not be good for Puna.
Well, this has gone on long enough and has drifted far, far from my expressed parameters of keeoing Punaweb about Puna and Hawaii.

There are a thousand sites to rant on national politics or climate change or weather modification theories.

This topic is done.


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