12-15-2011, 06:43 PM
The Coke from the Philippines use real cane sugar, whereas the Coke made in the US use fructose corn syrup.
Originally posted by mostkeytoes
It definitely came with the rice before you took it home.
Back in the day, you will always see it in the rice in Asia.
I never had any bug with rice purchased when on mainland.
All the rice that I've purchased here got those black bugs the minute I open the sack.
On a related topic, I found that cans of Coke taste diff in Asia.
And sometimes I get batches of Cokes here that taste so weird that I had to discard the rest. (Now I stick with just Pepsi since I have not had this problem with Pepsi.)
I never experienced any bad batches of Cokes on the mainland though.
Weird! ??