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Mauna Kea visit with company
Company is coming and will only be here long enough to go up top on one day and that will be Monday, Feb. 6th. We rented from Harper so we can take them. Does anyone know if we can get in any of the observatories or maybe catch a tour? Mahalo in advance for any help.
There are regularly scheduled free escorted summit tours offered at the Onizuka Visitors Center every Saturday & Sunday, that include tours of at least one observatory. You may want to check out this link & see if you can get more info on a weekday tour:
"The Keck observatory and the UH2.2m telescope have visitors galleries from which the telescope may be viewed at certain times. The Keck gallery is generally open 10am - 4pm Mon-Fri, while the UH 2.2m is usually open 9.30am - 3.30pm Mon-Thu."

For an actual tour:
Subaru observatory has its own tour schedule, but there are no tours on the 6th, only on the morning of the 7th is there a tour and space.
Here's the link anyway; the calendar for tours is at the bottom of the page, click the Sign Up button.

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