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Ron Paul Hilo sign wave, every Mon, 7-9 am
afwjam, you guys are absolutely awesome!!! Mahalo for your dedication in spreading the good doctor's words of peace and liberty. Please make a pledge to the Valentine's Feb. 14 Money Bomb because Ron Paul cannot be bought by corporations and lobbyists: No One But Paul is telling the Truth Which One Of These Candidates Is Not Like The Others? The Most Interesting Man In The World RON PAUL conspiracy. This is why

“There were many ways of not burdening one's conscience, of shunning responsibility, looking away, keeping mum. When the unspeakable truth of the Holocaust then became known at the end of the war, all too many of us claimed that they had not known anything about it or even suspected anything.”

Richard von Weizsaecker

Join the Ron Paul rEVOLution!

Here are some fab videos:
* • Voted AGAINST the Patriot Act
* • Voted AGAINST regulating the Internet
* • Voted AGAINST the Iraq War
* • Voted AGAINST the Bank and General Motors Bailouts
* • Voted AGAINST the Obama administrations Health Care Reform
* • Voted AGAINST the use of U.S. armed forces in Libya
* • Voted AGAINST the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act
* • Voted AGAINST the unionazation of the TSA
* • Voted AGAINST increasing the federal debt limit
* • Voted AGAINST agains federal regulation of same sex marriage
* • Voted AGAINST the DREAM act
* • Voted AGAINST the Real ID act

* • Voted FOR prohibiting tax payer funded abortions
* • Voted FOR prohibiting federal funding of National Public Radio
* • Voted FOR abolishing federal funding of Presidential Election Campaigns
* • Voted FOR removing armed forces from Pakistan
* • Voted FOR prohibiting increase congressional pay
* • Voted FOR legalization of medical marijuana

Ron Paul has the unique reputation of being one of the most consistent voices in politics. He has proven to be unwavering in his principals of the federal government adhering to the limitations set forth in the Constitution. This consistency is something none of the other candidates can claim and gives him the edge as the safe bet in being the “what you see is what you get” vote. As President he has stated his word to work toward the following goals.

* • Repeal the unconstitutional Health Care Reform act signed into law by the Obama administration which mandates that all Americans must carry government approved health insurance, or answer to the IRS.
* • Allow purchase of health insurance across state lines.
* • Allow tax deductions for 100% of medical costs
* • Exempt those with terminal illnesses from the employee portion of payroll taxes while they are suffering from such illnesses or are incurring significant medical costs associated with their conditions.
* • Give a payroll deduction to any worker who is the primary caregiver for a spouse, parent, or child with a terminal illness.
* • Ensure that those harmed during medical treatment receive fair compensation while reducing the burden of costly malpractice litigation on the health care system by providing a tax credit for “negative outcomes” insurance purchased before medical treatment.
* • Guarantee that what is taken from taxpayers to pay for Medicare and Medicaid is not raided for other purposes.
* • Make all Americans eligible for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and remove government-imposed barriers to obtaining HSAs.
* • Stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from interfering with Americans’ knowledge of and access to dietary supplements and alternative treatments.
* • Prevent federal bureaucrats from tracking every citizen’s medical history from cradle to grave by prohibiting the use of taxpayer funds for a national database of personal health information.
* • Legalize the use of Marijuana as legitimate medical treatment.


* • Veto any unbalanced budget Congress sends to his desk.
* • Refuse to further raise the debt ceiling so politicians can no longer spend recklessly.
* • Refuse any further bailouts.
* • Audit and eventually end the privately owned “Federal” Reserve system which has directly devalued the dollar by 95% through printing money out of thin air, created every major financial bubble and driven our country into insurmountable debt.
* • Legalize sound money through competing currencies (gold and silver backed) so the government is forced to get serious about the dollar’s value.
* • End the Corporate/Governmental special treatment known as Crony-Capitalism or Fascism.
* • Drive down gas prices by allowing offshore drilling, abolishing highway motor fuel taxes, increasing the mileage reimbursement rates, and offering tax credits to individuals and businesses for the use and production of natural gas vehicles.
* • Oppose all unfunded mandates and unnecessary regulations on small businesses and entrepreneurs.


* • Would work to immediately end the wars and bring out troops home.
* • Require Congress to sign a declaration of war before committing our troops to military action. And to do so with a clear objective in mind so we do not get drawn into endless and financially devastating conflicts.
* • Downsize the U.S.’s global military presence (or policing of the world) by closing many of our over 750 bases around the world, and utilizing those funds for securing our country at home.
* • Use constitutional and ethical means to capture and kill terrorist leaders who take part in planning attacks on the U.S.
* • Guarantee our intelligence community’s efforts are directed toward legitimate threats and not spying on innocent Americans through unconstitutional power grabs like the Patriot Act.
* • Make securing our borders a top national security priority.
* • Ensure our veterans receive the care, benefits, and honors they have earned when they return.
* • Prevent the TSA from forcing Americans to either be groped or ogled just to travel on an airplane and ultimately abolish the unconstitutional agency.
* • End our over $1 Trillion dollars per year foreign aid handouts. (I.E. Taking money from poor people here to give to rich dictators in other countries.)


* • Would work to audit and phase out the Federal Reserve system, which is one of the most dangerous intitutions in this country because:
* • Their policies drive financial bubbles and lead to the recent catastrophic financial meltdown.
* • They have devalued the dollar by 95% during their 98 year control of our monetary system. For example, something costing $1 on 1913 would cost $22.55 today.
* • They make secretive deals with foreign governments which resulted in the U.S. giving Billions or even Trillions of dollars to foreign banks during the bailouts.
* • They are in fact not a federal branch, but a privately owned bank owned by the very same banks who profited from the bailouts.


* • He has never voted to raise taxes or for an unbalanced budget in his 12 terms as a U.S. Congressman.
* • Would end the individual Income Tax and abolish the IRS
* • Eliminate the capital gains, and death taxes to ensure you keep more of your hard-earned money and are able to pass on your legacy to your family without government interference.
* • End taxation on the tips and gratuities of servers and bartenders.
* • End wasteful government spending
* • Allow Americans claim more tax credits and deductions, including on educational costs, alternative energy vehicles, and health care.
* • Would support a flat tax as a step in the right direction towards fiscal responsibility and lower financial burden on individuals.


* • Has never and will never vote for any piece of legislation that would infringe on gun owners’ rights or weaken the Second Amendment.
* • End U.S. membership in the anti-gun United Nations to ensure American tax dollars are not used to fund global gun control schemes like the so-called “Small Arms Treaty.”
* • Repeal the “Brady Bill” and the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.”
* • Allow pilots and specially trained law enforcement personnel to carry firearms in order to protect airline passengers and help prevent future 9/11-style attacks.


* • The government should NOT regulate marriage (it can be handled by churches or private contract)
* • If the government is to regulate marriage, it should be at the state level, not federal.


* • Believes forced unionism violates the Constitution
* • Strongly supports the National Right to Work Act which would end compulsory union dues, which go towards big government programs, regardless of whether the worker agrees with them.
* • Opposes the forced unionization of Police and Fire Departments.


* • Abolish the Department of Education, as the Constitution does not give the federal government the authority to regulate education.
* • Favors school choice for parents, allow vouchers or tax credits for private schooling or home schooling (not for abolishing public education)
* • Sponsored a bill which would grant a $3,000 annual tax credit to full-time teachers
* • Help parents better educate their children by providing parents with a $5,000 per child tax credit for tutors, books, computers, and other K-12 related educational needs.
* • Ensure that the federal government treats high school diplomas earned through homeschooling the same as other high school diplomas.


* • Believes it doesn’t make sense to fight terrorists abroad while leaving our front door unlocked.
* • America should be guarding her own borders and enforcing her own laws instead of policing the world and implementing UN mandates.
* • No amnesty for illegal immigrants as it promotes further illegal immigration. Yet establish a system to allow current illegal immigrants in the U.S. a path to citizenship.
* • End the welfare state which encourages illegal immigration and puts unnecessary financial burden on our economy.
* • Believes it is not moral to round up and deport existing illegal immigrants, instead allowing them a path to legally work here.
* • Will encourage legal immigration by streamlining the entry process without rewarding lawbreakers.
* • End birthright citizenship which further encourages unlawful immigration by guarantying citizenship to children born of immigrants illegally within the country.


* • Remove restrictions on drilling, so companies can tap into the vast amount of oil we have here at home.
* • Repeal the federal tax on gasoline. Eliminating the federal gas tax would result in an 18 cents savings per gallon for American consumers.
* • Lift government roadblocks to the use of coal and nuclear power.
* • Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.
* • Encourage the purchase and production of alternative fuel technologies through tax credits, not government subsidies.


* • Believes drug abuse is a health issue, not a legal issue. And that prohibition actually causes black markets, cartels and gang violence. (Think of the alcohol arohibition era gangsters.)
* • Legalize drugs at the Federal level, ending the costly and failed “war on drugs”. Then allowing the states to regulate drugs as they choose.
* • Pardon the nearly 500,000 non-violent drug offenders currently in prison.


* • Ron Paul personally believes that life begins at conception and abortion should be illegal. He has a solid pro-life record.
* • However, he believes the Constitution does NOT give the Federal government the authority to regulate abortion, so it should be regulated at the State level.
* • Cases of rape, incest could be handled by the morning after pill, not abortion.
* E• nd taxpayer funding of facilities that perform abortions.

#8594; For more in depth information on where Ron Paul stands on the issues please visit

"Didn't Ron Paul just get 36% to ROmney's 39%? "

That'll be the day! Here are the actual numbers:

Ron Paul is coming dead last. No wonder, with supporters who don't even know which day is which.
Bet he wishes now he didn't approve those racist newsletters.

Any predictions for his share of the Republican vote in Hawaii? I say 9%.

Ron Paul, 43% in Maine:

afwjam, are you guys at the Hilo Farmer's Market too? You guys rock! The RP Movie
Join the Freedom Revolution!

In an age of shameless hypocrisy
where all still swear allegiance to a Constitution
they have no intention to obey...

One man has stood for decades
against the tides of corruption...
Often he has stood alone...
No more.
"Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) narrowly lost the Maine caucuses to GOP rival Mitt Romney Saturday. Paul polled 36 percent of the vote, compared to Romney's 39 percent"

Not 43%, but indeed, I stand corrected. Then again, no wonder:
"Former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich did not actively compete in the state's caucuses. "
Ron Paul came second in a two-horse race!

He still doesn't have a chance. He dislikes minorities and minorities dislike him. Not good news for Ron Paul in Hawaii.
Not willing to make any predictions? I can understand.
Why are they so afraid of Dr. Ron Paul?? Afraid enough to lie about him, smear so afraid that they would commit election fraud. It happened in Iowa, Nevada, now in Maine, where else? Maine Republicans Urged to Reconsider Maine Caucus Fraud?
Hopefully that was incompetence rather than fraud. The Republican party should clean up its act.

More on those racist newsletters, and proof that Ron Paul did know about their contents:

"The articles called Martin Luther King Jr. a 'world-class philanderer,' criticized the U.S. holiday bearing King's name as 'Hate Whitey Day', and said that AIDS sufferers 'enjoy the attention and pity that comes with being sick.'"

The chances of Ron Paul still being on the ballot in Hawaii are shrinking further.
Yeah, so when the ME chair calls off the caucus in the heavy Ron Paul leaning district, omitted votes fr. other districts, declared a winner when not all the votes have not been counted and when the gig was up, declared that later counts and recounts don't matter and won't be published publicly, it's incompetence. Was it incompetence in Iowa, Nevada, SC too? When does it become FRAUD? This is not going away:

This is why we must keep a vigilant eye out for election fraud here in HI. Bring your cameras, videos and document everything that happens.

In none of the yellow journalism did we ever witness Dr. Ron Paul saying anything racist. Try delivering babies, work in congress, and read every word of newsletters. He disavowed them and if you've ever heard him speak, there would never be any doubt that he's anything but true, honest and consistent. Is this all ya got???!! What? No war mongering? No corporate bail outs? No cheating on wives? No profiting from the poor and disenfranchised? No NDAA bills to throw Americans in jail indefinitely without trail, without lawyers? No passing ACTA illegally to censor the internet? RON PAUL conspiracy. This is why Busted! Ron Paul racist rant caught on tape! OMG! OMG!

Shrinking? ha should get out more. 3,000 Turn Out in Seattle for Ron Paul! Washington - Ron Paul Supporters overflowing - 2/16/2012 Ron Paul Won Ohio Straw Poll with 53% Ron Paul has essentially won most of the straw polls "You Can't Stop The Truth"

"An estimated 3000 people attended Republican Presidential hopeful Ron Paul's rally in SeaTac this evening. The rally had an atmosphere more like a rock concert than a Republican rally. Unlike most Republican events, most of the people attending were under 35. It somewhat reminded one of an Obama event in 2008 except the chants were things like "End the Fed!"
If the actual vote was Paul 128, Romney 110 and they list Romney 140, Paul 100 then that's fraud.
If, on the other hand, they list Paul 0, Romney 0 for 17 out of 18 towns in one County, then that's incompetence.

"Is that all ya got?" So being a racist and publishing racist newsletters for decades isn't enough of a reason for you not to vote Ron Paul? Okay, in that case I've got more. He suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Read this article, if you dare:

Describing the new bills, which Paul “uncovered” as a member of Congress, the letter said: “These totalitarian bills were tinted pink and blue and brown, and blighted with holograms, diffraction gratings, metal and plastic threads, and chemical alarms. It wasn’t money for a free people. It was a portable inquisition, a paper ‘third- degree,’ to allow the feds to keep track of American cash, and American citizens.”
“I’ve been told not to talk, but these stooges don’t scare me,” the letter said. “Threats or no threats, I’ve laid bare the coming race war in our big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my training as a physician helps me see through this one.)”

Signed by: Ron Paul

Where should I get out more to? The sign-wavings that you can't be bothered to attend?
Come on, really, what is you prediction for Paul's share of the Republican vote in Hawaii? Mine is 8%. That's about 200 people.

ETA: "No cheating on wives?" If he has, that would only be revealed if he really was a threat to the more likely candidates. They're not going to waste time digging through his trash if he doesn't have a hope.

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