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More money for Green Harvest OH NOOOO!!
Oh, sure, Buzz... you don't even smoke... right. uh huh.

Thanks for the link, Buzz. And this is still kind of, sort of on thread topic - at least for the song 'green harvest'.

I've got the band bookmarked, and this is too funny: I live in Vegas, and they're playing here next month. The date they're here?


the heli terrorists were out by my house yesterday, watched them for about a half hour and alls they pulled up was one tiny plant, lol! how much do you suppose it cost us for this legal terrorism?

It is legal terrorism !!! And calling the County Council will not do any good.They will do what greases their wheels.I watched an old man get kicked out of a Police Commission meeeting for telling them their were starting to behave just like the Nazi's did in Berlin right before WWII !!! All their secret doings behind the people's back.Those whom they are suppose to protect and serve !!! Most of those in gov. positions these days are corrupt,compliant or get out politics .The patriot act is the best and latest example of our gov. gone rabid !!!! Also,they are making it difficult to obtain firearms,for defending the country from invasion,home intruders and general protection.
The right to bear arms was intended to keep a corrupt gov. from enslaving its' people;and it seems people have gone to sleep and let their rights slip away.So,green harvest is just one more of our rights we need to take back our serenity and freedom.Another area is that green harvest really smacks of prohibition.The gov.did finally legalize alcohol,it is riduculous to think pot is any different.It would be nice to think that humans do learn from their mistakes!!!Perhaps Pandora should have let hope out of the box,as well.


"Those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them"


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