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Nefarious doings in HPP
OK, that got your attention!

Apparently someone on 16th near Maku'u had a bunch of tools stolen. People might want to keep an eye out for random people wandering through the neighborhood with bad intentions.

From craigslist:


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Yep a couple was snooping around the house we are stying in on Beach rd, Makuu side taking pictures, they said for relatives getting ready to rent. Hmm I am always suspicious of snoopers Undecided
There have been about 5 or 6 burglars caught in the past few days, some in progress. The newspaper is real hit or miss about reporting when they are caught, same with the official police media release (why is it a media release and not just a simple report?). is pretty good about reporting apprehensions.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Another ripoff near Makuu. Some expensive tools stolen (two chop saws, a generator, etc) stolen between about 8:30 Friday night and 8:30 Saturday morning.
May these thieving individuals souls rot in hell.
They will eventually pick on the wrong place at the wrong time and be confronted and that will ruin their day!!

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Thank goodness for Puna web keeping us informed.
What street off Makuu was just hit? We want to make sure all these get reported to Neighborhood Watch.
Our neighboorhood is experiencing some sizable robberies. When people are not home their generators, solarpanels etc. are being stolen. Then the thiefs come back and take more. Some of our neighbors feel they know who is responsible, but of course they did not catch the thief in the act so nothing done but a police report. So watch out Wa'a Wa'a. The thief hit in late night or early morning.
That would be off 3rd and Makuu.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Beware of dog signage might deter, but I doubt it. I will have to write in underneath that "**ck the dog, Beware of Owner" I would love to catch one in the act on my property.

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