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Kahakai Boulevard Clean--up
Kahakai Roadside Clean-up

Kahakai Roadside Clean-up

The Kahakai Neighborhood Organized Watch is hosting a Kahakai clean-up.

Join in friendly companionship on Saturday from 7 a.m.-9 a.m. when volunteers from all neighborhoods served by Kahakai Boulevard join forces to clean up the sides of the road from Highway 130 down to the ocean. Many hands make the labor light, so please consider joining your neighbors in this labor of love.

Meet at the “Stables” Community Center at 6:45 a.m. Wear bright clothing, sturdy shoes and gloves. Water, sunscreen, bug repellant and sticks with picks are good ideas as well. Bags for refuse will be provided.
I'd be there but I have plans already for the this T-day holiday. Next time!

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