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PLDC repeal bill head fake
"The new bill (SB707)will also result in the selling off public land to corporations and foreign governments."

OPPOSE HB567- Establishes an "Urban Growth Commission" bestowed with PLDC powers.

OPPOSE HB738 - "Requires" the counties to allow the construction of accessory dwelling units on lots on which a residential dwelling unit is permitted and usurps the counties authority to regulate development standards through zoning ordinances

SUPPORT SB707 Repeals the PLDC

Please sign the Rescind Monsanto Lobbyist petition! HERE

OPPOSE SB456 - Transfers in fee simple Mauna Kea State Recreation Area to the County of Hawaii
(We need Independent testing for depleted uranium at Mauna Kea State Park, across the highway from Pohakuloa Traing Range before any turn over to the county - to avoid DU cleanup liability to Hawai'i taxpayers!

PS - SECTION 4. Concurrent with the transfer of jurisdiction over Mauna Kea state recreational area tothe county of Hawaii, all rights, powers, functions,LIABILITIES, claims, and duties of the department of land and natural resources with respect to Mauna Keastate recreational area shall be transferred to the county of Hawaii.
PLEASE CONTACT: Senate Judiciary and Labor Chair, Senator Clayton Hee at: or 586-7330 and ask him to schedule these bills:

Gut and Replace Limitation (SB837)
We believe that any bill passed to law during the legislative process must reflect its original purpose.

These are other bills that haven 't been scheduled that should also be considered.

Independent Expenditure (SB865)
This bill requires noncandidate committees to identify certain top contributors for advertisements; requires the campaign spending commission to maintain public records in a searchable database; and improves various other reporting requirements for noncandidate committees and others.
We believe that any bill passed to law during the legislative process must reflect its original purpose.
Sunshine Law and Legislative Practices (SB850)
This bill would require the Legislature to adhere to fundamental principles of the Sunshine Law. Within this bill, our Legislature would be required to give a seventy-two hour public notice for public hearings, and would also be required to consider correspondence on measures to be considered testimony.
Disclosure Deadline (SB220)
This bill would mandate elected officials to submit a financial disclosure form by January 31 (at the start of legislative session) instead of its current required filing deadline: May, after session is over.
Lobbyist Regulation (SB832)
This bill would require lobbyists and their clients to make monthly disclosures during legislative session, in addition to filing a report for June 1 through December 31. The "Lobbyist Regulation bill" would also require lobbyists to disclose more specific elements, such as: lobbying activities, contractual relationships with legislators, and any of their campaign contributions.
These bills call for the strengthening of financial disclosures and record/testimony-keeping. In turn, they will help to create a more transparent and accessible government, so that we can continue to hold our elected leaders accountable.
Via Babes Against Biotech (GMO Labeling)
While today had some graceful points, thank you Universe for passing all of our bills today, however amended and vaguely recognizable, thank you and help us to be grateful in this world of ground zero where our Governor and Senate President are not at all ashamed to appoint Monsanto lobbyists to help control our WATER.
State Sen. President Donna Mercado Kim has appointed Monsanto lobbyist Alan Takemoto to a committee that will nominate candidates to fill two seats on the state Commission on Water Resource Management. The water board oversees use of this public trust resource.


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