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Hi All!
Does anyone know where on the Big Island I can buy thatch roofing? I purchased a lot in Eden Roc and plan on building a small hut. I am also wondering if a bobcat would be heavy enough to put a driveway in...we would clear the trees with a chainsaw first first course. I am also in need of recommendations for someone to clear for the driveway and haul in some lava rock. Thanks in advance for the responses :-)
"In spite of ourselves we'll end up sitting on a rainbow"--John Prine
"In spite of ourselves we'll end up sitting on a rainbow"--John Prine
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Welcome fellow Eden Roc resident.
A bobcat will do nothing against even relatively crunchy lava. It would be possible though to clear the vegetation by hand then truck in fill to make a driveway. In other words, instead of taking off the high spots, raise all the rest with fill.
Some people pursue hand clearing for philosophical or ecological reasons. Having done it both ways (hand cleared some, then stood back and watched a D-9 at work) I warn you that you have got to be extremely committed to accomplish much without heavy machinery. My personal view is that the native forest is worth preserving but there is nothing special about the raw lava underneath, so I have no qualms about bulldozing as long as you focus on fire damaged or guava infested areas and you make some effort to plant native stuff when possible.
You have your own reasons for using thatch but if you go by all the standard reasons you would be so much happier with metal. For example, do you plan on using catchment for your water? Aside from that I have no idea where to get thatch. I doubt anything is sold for that purpose. On the other hand the Kona side has thousands of acres of some kind of tufty grass that might be suitable.
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as for thatch - that's what palm trees are for.
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I know of someone who made a thatched roof for a little setting area near her pond. I think she looked at some local historical places, and then figured out how to do it herself. That said, go for the metal roof, so you can catch your water, unless you are looking for a decorative kind of add-on. You can also get fake thatch on the internet, if you want the artistic detail. I'm in Eden Roc, also. Been here almost two years, and like it. Welcome. Peggy
Peace and long life
Peace and long life
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you will need a steep pitch and a substantial depth of thatching for a thatch roof to shed water properly. I hope you try and post and progress negative or positive. I think it is a great roofing for out buildings. It would be quaint for a primary living space, but I think the rats and bugs would bother me eventually. My wife quicker.
Good luck and post some pics of your project.
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Traditionally, two types of thatching material were used in Hawaii: coconut fronds and pili grass. pili grass is not easy to find in large enough quantities, due to development. Coconut fronds should be split down the midrib, so that they can be laid crosswise to the slope of the roof with the midrib up. Since one end is wider than the other you have to alternate base and tip. For good rainproof coverage you need to lay the fronds down as close together as possible. To make sure the roof is sturdy, plan to lash the fronds to the support poles no farther apart than 3 ft. each. Needless to say, you start lashing your fronds at the bottom on both sides of the roof and work your way up. The peak uses unsplit fronds so that the leaves hang down on both sides. I helped do a re-roof in the Solomons using this method. It goes quickly if you have all your materials, trimmed to size, laid out ahead of time, your lashings cut to size, and a crew to hand up the materials. 2 ladders so someone can hold one end in position while the person on the other end secures it is also helpful.
Have fun.
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Lots of thatched roof making videos on Youtube.
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
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thatching is for looks only IMO
put metal roof under the thatching, as thatching is not 100% waterproof and will need to be replaced every 2-3 years in wetter areas
curious,.... what kine thatching, pili grass, loulu palm, hala, coconut ??
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
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Actually I think traditional thatched hale is perfect for temporary unpermitted hut. It low cost, low impact, not ugly - you can see them dam blue tarps from space, when abandoned it just turns to mulch - there are hundreds of rusting tin sheds in the woods around here
There are some how to resources in this
Or in any good jungle survival / bushcraft book. goggle " graves 10 bushcraft books "