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Looking for rare bamboo - any ideas?
I'm looking for Dendrocalamus latiflorus 'Mei Nung', which is different from the normal latiflorus in that it has dark green stripes on light green culms. I did some searches (actually, a lot of searches) on the web today, and found quite a few bamboo nurseries on the Big Island, but none of them have Mei Nung.

Anyone know of any specialty bamboo places (or specialty nurseries that might carry bamboo) that would have rare and unusual bamboos?

Thanks in advance.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Probably a good place to start would be the Bamboo Society (not sure currently how active the Hawaii Cty group is, I know that had meetings last year...)

& This from HTH last summer:
"If you want to obtain really rare species, we are fortunate to have one of the main producers of bamboos on the Big Island. It is Quindembo Bamboo Nursery, owned and operated by Susan Ruskin and Peter Berg. They may be reached at 885-4968. Check out their website at . Other folks propagating rare bamboos are Gaia Yoga in lower Puna, Jay Manion in Mountain View and Jim Parker in Hawi."
Thanks Carey. Quinedembo and Gaia were two of the companies I found on the web. I'll check on the other two as well.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Justin, that is a great Bamboo, had it on the mainland. Definitely check with Susan at Quindembo
Will do, Andy. Sadly, my Mei Nung on the mainland just flowered, so I don't know how much longer I'll have it there.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
Well done.I still study to design my garden. Thanks.

I'm so interested in speaking with every foreigner. I sighed up for the forum and talk to everyone who wants to purchase in China. You maybe visit the Everyone can publish the purchase information which is free.
Just spotted two groves of bamboo on property as well as a berm of soil. Want to replant bamboo at property line. Don't know much about good garden ending practices (though I once helped my sister replant roses in CA), so be simple and specific. How much soil, water and plants to make a nice barrier? Thx in advance.

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