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Recomend Fencing type?
A few years ago I had Big Island Fencing cross fence my lot. There were three gates, one on each side of the house, and one in the center breezeway. They installed the fence, carefully measured for the gates, then built the gates exactly the size of the openings, leaving no room for hinges or latches. They just skewed the hinges sideways so the gates would fit but only swing in one direction. I had already paid in full before I discovered the gates didn't work properly. They refused to rebuild the gates and after battling with them for months and getting nowhere, I finally just gave up and make do with the one-way gates. Just FYI.

Today is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be, enjoy this day!
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Forget the fences, invest in a covert security camera system. Then when they arrest the perps the problem is solved for everybody. At least for as long as the "system" locks them up. Pretty soon they get the idea it is not safe to steal in an area. Word travels fast with dirtbags. Fences are really nice, but it does not keep the dirtbags out. (in my experience and opinion)

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
Dogs and cameras. Fences are not bad, but I am not sure they really work all that well for security puposes unless you build one like the kind we had in south america. It was brick with coiled barbed wire on the top of it. We had a giant steel gate that was electrical, so the cars could be parked in the "compound" every night. It's just the normal way you have to live down there if you have something. Anywhere there is a large disparity of wealth/possessions/security you have to protect what's yours. We shared a house with a local family that ran a pizzaria and pharmacia.
Hawaii reminds me of New Mexico where I also have lived. If you leave lawn furniture out in your yard for instance, it's just sort of assumed that "it must not be all that important to you and therefore it's up for grabs". I am not saying it is right, but I think the mentality regarding new appliances left in a vacant house here is (by certain segments of the population), "well they are not protecting them, so therefore, they are not so important/irreplacable to the homeowner". The greater the disparity in income/possessions, between groups, the more security you will need, whereever you go IMO. And the interesting thing is that I was considered rich in southamerica, while I am considered poor in america. So, I must admit, that being poor and having almost nothing makes it much easier to relax. (as long as the food, housing,and transportation are covered)
One day about 2 moths ago my Daughter was returning from a run to my house. A Pit Bull was able to scrunch under the brand new fence the home owner had recently had built. This house is 2 lots down from us. The dog bit my Daughter 3-4 times before she got away. I went down to see WTF, and was also attacked, but not bit, because I had a club with me. A few minutes later my neighbors from right next door (lot between the dog owner and us) were returning from their nightly walk and were also attacked and one took a nasty bite. There were witnesses and the Police were called. No charges were filed because the owner through her boyfriend, and his dogs, out of the house.

Daughter was attacked and bit about 6 months ago while riding my bicycle up 23rd to our hose. That dog also ran out of a fenced yard with an open gate.

I will continue to walk and ride my bicycle when I want to. And I will not face an attacking dog bare handed.

Facing an attacking Pit Bull with a club isn't my idea of a good time. At 59 I can still do damage and will if I have to.

What would have happened if a small child would have been walking down my street when that Pit Bull was attacking ANYONE that came by?

Originally posted by nana valley

Feed the shark with an unlimited supply of mosquitoes. [Big Grin]

You recently mentioned that your place was robbed. Would you consider a fully enclosed fence so that you could have a dog or two. I didn't take the advice seriously enough about protecting my property with dogs but I have come to believe that is the best way.

My understanding is that you can go to jail for protecting yourself from a home invader if you cause death or physical injury to the criminal! So bet but keep them fenced so that us walkers are not in harms way as we walk by your house.

And welcome to Nanawale! It is a beautiful place. I was sad to read about your robbery while you were gone. Start fresh today with a good attitude about Hawaii and you will be fine.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

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