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In modern buildings in the developed world, generally your biggest risk is not building collapse, but debris falling from above - thus the recommendation to hide under a table or in a door way.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
Just had another bump, I think... or a turkey landed on the roof...
Apparently the signs of the earthquake we experienced (the 5.3,.4 or .6) were there. In the words of a very astute kupuna (who is from Puna and of the Pele line), the signs are another one is coming, "a big one. Just watch. The signs are all there".

When asked what signs, "the wind, the sea, the moon, and the I'o (Hawaiian hawk)", is the response.

There is a pattern in our culture, and I am prepared for the vision this kupuna offers. When you live on sacred grounds, prepare yourself.

For what it's worth, and JMO.

(*Note: Chicken skin status during this conversation.)
Let us know next time he sees the signs. Beforehand, preferably.
Originally posted by opihikao

the signs are another one is coming, "a big one. Just watch. The signs are all there".

There will be a big quake, I think we can all agree on that. As PaulW noted, the helpful detail in any prediction is not just the "what" but the "when" part.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
County claims ultimate authority for all grading/grubbing, construction, electrical and plumbing; a large enough earthquake can involve all of these, so obviously Pele is waiting for her permits (and a guaranteed $7.25/hour) before She begins.
Ultimate Burger Sign Holder (Kona)
$9.00 hr. plus meal
Originally posted by kalakoa

County claims ultimate authority for all grading/grubbing, construction, electrical and plumbing; a large enough earthquake can involve all of these, so obviously Pele is waiting for her permits (and a guaranteed $7.25/hour) before She begins.

ROTFLMAO! You're absolutely hysterical! Mahalo for the levity, kalakoa. Post of the day!

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