Tom, these are fantastic! One of my favorite nephews works up there "monitoring and reading" the equipment, etc. As you share your info here, it makes it easy to sound intelligent when speaking with the young one(s). [

Although there is some concern with regard to Mauna Kea by some kanaka maoli, this kind of sharing of information, (mana'o) and experience, only enhances our growth. Some may see the portal in this video that looks much like the one in Napo'opo'o and other sacred areas. In this day of progress and change, we, as a people, must progress as well. In doing so, we will not forget our language, our culture, and our history. No question. This is one of the few enjoyable lessons learned, amongst the challenges of growth we endure today.
Mahalo for sharing your experience with all of us, and my mo'opuna will have this link for their report next week with your permission,
please. (The keiki's grades needs some work. Just saying...)
I was told as a kid that this day would come; where we would be able to see, within "a moment", what is happening on Mauna Kea and Kilauea. Hiki No!
Facinating, indeed.
ETA: Typo; kala mai.