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Hawaiian Electric proposes photovoltaic project
let me see if i get homeowner, we can NOT handle excess energy from your photovoltaic system into our grid...we need to sell energy to you soooo, we're building our own system...makes dollars & sense to us but not to YOU...huh?
i get it, heco has the were with all to accept pv generated energy from their own system into the grid WITHOUT negative impact to said grid but energy generated from a private source,? well we (heco) will have difficulty accepting that energy...disclosure... i get da less oil thing to k and am PRO pv
Many ???, Can they handle geothermal still? How can they expect to handle more from geo on these grids of theres? Seems very selective? Really I don't know much, and wood like to know more thanks.
Guess HECO can now go to the PUC and ask for rate hikes to pay for new infrastructure. Then maybe they can get a Fuel Replacemnt Cost Surcharge added. Should be worth at least another dime a kWh within a year or 2. After all, rich CEOs need cost of living adjustments too.
Is everyone clear this is Heco, not Helco, and that the proposed project is on Oahu, not on the Big Island?

According to Helco figures this summer, over 40% of the electricity they sold in Hawai'i County was from renewable sources, such as solar, wind, geo, hydro, etc. And we're on target to hit 50% by 2015.

In the same time frame Oahu was at about 11%, IIRC. They have some serious catching up to do.

Plus, need it be said, hooking one large feed into the grid is much different than hoooking hundreds of small grid-tie feeds in. The logistics are entirely different.

yep...i probably should have put this post under "pet peeves"...this is the rub...

"Ripple effects from rule changes that Hawaiian Electric Co. abruptly implemented last month are leaving solar customers especially vulnerable to unscrupulous salespeople who are desperate to close deals amid a tightening market.

HECO put new controls on customers who want to hook up solar systems to protect the reliability of the utility's electric grid. The new policies have confused solar companies, left hundreds of customers who were in the middle of the installation process in limbo and cut deeply into solar sales at what is normally the busiest time of year".

Describing the new sales tactics that have emerged, Chris DeBone, co-owner of Hawaii Energy Connection in Honolulu, said, “We have heard every horror story in the books.”

small quote from this...

in addition, quote from opend "According to Helco figures this summer, over 40% of the electricity they sold in Hawai'i County was from renewable sources, such as solar, wind, geo, hydro, etc. And we're on target to hit 50% by 2015". and the reduction in rates passed on to us guys from helco savings by NOT burning fuel oil to generate energy is?

Originally posted by Frank

yep...i probably should have put this post under "pet peeves"...this is the rub...

No question that HECO did a bad thing with their raid rules change on Oahu. They deserve the lawsuits this will probably generate...

in addition, quote from opend "According to Helco figures this summer, over 40% of the electricity they sold in Hawai'i County was from renewable sources, such as solar, wind, geo, hydro, etc. And we're on target to hit 50% by 2015". and the reduction in rates passed on to us guys from helco savings by NOT burning fuel oil to generate energy is?

First things first. Providing energy security is the government's first priority, and building new infrastructure is encouraged by HELCO paying petroleum-competitive rates to producers of renewable energy. That's the stage we're at now, and it's why we have a higher and more diverse penetration by alternative energy resources than any other section of the country.

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