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Black Hat SEO comes to Puna and Punaweb
This is interesting. I just did the obvious thing. I did a google search for punaweb and saw the the realtor's site comes up second on the list. Thst looks phishy to me.

If I was a newish realtor trying to establish myself in a community I'd probably try to think of things that would drive people to my website. I might provide a link to a site like punaweb but I don't think that embedding it into my site, making it look as if I was part owner, would be an ethical thing to do.
And if I was a buyer I probably wouldn't use a realtor that showed such weak character.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
google return

The Punaweb Forum - Big Island Real Estate;
... your favorite social network! Share|. Donna Herbst on Zillow. See my Hilo real estate · Home · Hawaii Resources The Punaweb Forum. The Punaweb Forum ...


testimonial? ..... " didn't think the Realtor would be doing the screwing! I am getting ahead of myself. "


Jeff Spaur said...
Ms.Herbst....Given the fact that you have a track record of lying and underhanded actions and simply got caught in your stupidity, there is more merit in this case than what you tired to minimize in your post. Shall we get into you lying to clients about Broker status to secure listings with the sole intent of wishing to line your own pocket?

Ms. Herbst must be looking at this by now thinking...Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Backfire

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Originally posted by kimo wires

This is interesting. I just did the obvious thing. I did a google search for punaweb and saw the the realtor's site comes up second on the list. Thst looks phishy to me.

Given that Bullwinkle, the one who first claimed to be outraged by it, has now posted the direct link to it seven times in this thread (including twice in one comment), I can understand why. Search engines rank in part by how many times a link is posted on other pages. Which raises the question, why keep posting the link over and over? Especially when the title of the thread is "black hat SEO"? Because to me it sounds that it's Bullwinkle who is doing exactly that with a poorly-designed site.
Its about possible deceit, theft of content as well - and maybe conspiracy if there were second parties involved ...sock puppets and folks tinkering with her website count - amateurish no profesionals here .... I dont think this was well thought out - found all this on my laptop - havent been to databases or fired up my "work" 'puter yet ....

treble damages if conspiracy can be proven - 2 days and we are well on the way to connecting the dots - and recent (expensive) case law in federal court in my back pocket - me thinks the heavy lifting has been done.

why not just make all of this go away - Rob and Ms Herbst may have something to talk about - maybe come to some sort of agreement, that would please me - if that matters

this would never make it past discovery imho.

personally I get more satisfaction doing yard work - but some one has to take out the trash......

Rob says make it go away and its gone...... Im going to give it a rest - let things settle for a bit - Rob - ball is in your court - let me know if I can be of assistance - Ill be lurking


Well, I emailed this real estate firm a week ago and haven't heard a word back yet. Guess I'll give them a call Monday. I'm okay if they want a link. I'm not okay with the embedded situation and the tailgating on Google. At the least it creates an appearance that Punaweb endorses their realty.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I forwarded you the email exchange I had with Donna Herbst, I think she is being less than honest about her claim she knew nothing about the embedded website, because all through her site, including her bio page she tells people to check out Punaweb.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
As I noted in a previous comment, they already have a link in one place on the site, which makes having the embed in the other even odder. So it wouldn't be surprising if she thought there were simply links in both places. That said, I wouldn't say it makes it look like Punaweb endorses them, but it looks like they host it, which is potentially worse.

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