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Planting in Puna
Hey HPPGuy

We took out the bouganvilea (deep pink) & need to know if you would like it (or if anyone else would like it) Probably will have an ixoria this weekend to go with it.
If HPPGuy passes on the bouganvilea I would love to have it
Bougies grow fine in Hilo; next time you're taxi-ing around the airport, you can see all the pathetically overpruned ones scattered around the runways. Also, there's a bunch growing in pots outside some kind of adult care home (?) on Kanoelehua just South of Hilo.

We plant stuff in "Puna planters"--cardboard boxes. They help the plant get started without competition, and can be moved around for at least a short while before they dissolve. Situate one over a broken-up spot in the lava, then heap more mulch around them as time goes by.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

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