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Public Uninator
It's called indecent exposure punishable by jail time. walk a few feet into the jungle to take a whiz, nobody wants to see it. I once saw a guy on the corner there by Pahoa high, hand high in the air thumb up hitchin a ride and the other hand well taking a leak. I dont know who he thought would pull over for that.
Originally posted by Rattlestaff

It's called indecent exposure punishable by jail time. walk a few feet into the jungle to take a whiz, nobody wants to see it. I once saw a guy on the corner there by Pahoa high, hand high in the air thumb up hitchin a ride and the other hand well taking a leak. I dont know who he thought would pull over for that.

Not unless I witnessed him washing his hands.
In the days of my reckless youth; I could take a wiz in the Safeway parking lot without anyone so much as noticing. You just open the car door part way, put one leg out, loosen up your britches, pull out the equipment and let her rip. Unfortunately, I don't think women could pull this off.

So I'd like to ask those of you with keen legal minds; Is it still indecent if no one sees it?

I realize I've said some things in jest here before, and there's the whole "boy/wolf" thing; But I swear this to be true.

And now you know why we have user names; If my congregation ever found out, I'd be toast.
Yes. Always assume someone can see you if you are in public.
in most jurisdictions, public urination prosecuted as indecent exposure also carries a sex offender label.
A just punishment for a minor laps in judgement, don't yo think?
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Ironically there was a post earlier this year about the topic of peeing in the Pahoa alleys. Pele may have a cleansing solution. And also the front may be 300 feet across or more but the width increases as the flow continues. If you look at the lava flow now there are many spots 1,000 feet across. Anyway peeing in public should be okay as long as you are discrete about it. Find some bushes and step behind them or something like that.
Has anyone noticed that in the last 3 days or so, the number of "homeless perpetually drunk/high" types in Pahoa Village has skyrocketed? Early this morning, there were 3 in front of Jan's, 10+ lounging in front of Ning's, 2 across the street at the now former kava bar, and a couple more near the now closed book store... and most of them now have dogs. Where are the dogs doing their business?

If I had one of these businesses, I would phone the police hourly if need be, as well as be on the phone with the prosecutor.
+1 @Willy
Leilanidude, I was told years ago when I complained about the group of drug dealers that would always hang out in from of Cash & carry and the bank that all of the businesses get absolutely no help from the police unless there is a real emergency. The bank manager said that they would often call about something inappropriate, and most of the time the cops would just never show up, or if they did it would be hours after the fact and the people would have moved on.

It's going to be really interesting to see Pele "take out the trash" when it comes to a certain parasitic element around here. A lot of us are going to be struggling just to put food on the table - literally, we will have to be resourceful just to keep our needs met. It's hard for me to imagine that people that can barely keep upright during the day are going to have an easy time without people to bum beer and cigarette money from, especially once the easy convenience stores and gas station close down. But then again, maybe it will force some folks to clean up their act, which is a win for everyone.

This is our trial by fire, but if you're already passed out by noon on the sidewalk, you're gonna get burned!

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