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The end of weed choppers?
Bring on the drones - time to buy a shotgun!! [Big Grin]
We keep hearing that the choppers are going to end but it never does. When LLEPCO passed I recall reading it was supposed to end, likewise when the DEA pulled out of Hilo. Now the NED has taken over and they seem to be getting help from other agencies like the Coastguard of all people. I guess where there is a will there is a way.
I guess where there is a will there is a way.

Where there is Free Federal Funding available, there is a way.

"Anyone else growing lets say more than 25 plants might just still get a visit from law enforcement."

I believe those people are called.. drug dealers?
And those drug dealers owe their existence to the black market in marijuana, which in turn exists thanks to the "War on Drugs" having targeted marijuana. There is something circular going on in this "drug dealer" business.
Given the current circumstance both locally and nationally, someone growing 25 plants may be a petty law breaker at best. Not a drug dealer. That's pretty excessive.
legal marijuana either medical or recreational cut the mexican cartels profits by 70% in 2015.

now if we could only figure out how to do flyovers for meth...
I now think even if recreational use becomes legal there would still be a limit on the number of plants and thus the choppers would continue to fly. It would be like how the ATF goes after people distilling moonshine.
Originally posted by bystander

It would be like how the ATF goes after people distilling moonshine.

who goes after the people cooking meth?
Other meth cookers usually.

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