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Centipede Bite!
One cool winter morning I grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on on my way out the door going to work. There was a little blue legged centipede in my sleeve and he got me good in the wrist. I don't get infected from them but they sting like heck, then a week later they rise up again and itch like crazy for a day, then they're gone. I used to put green clay on them to soothe and draw out the toxin. It's no cure, but at least harmless.
The big red ones biting never bother me. I always thought they're like Rattle Snakes, the small ones being more poisonous.
I haven't even seen one in ages. The hens keep them in check.
Just always look when you lift a rock. They love to hide in wet dark places.
I don't know how it would work on a bite but pulu works wonders to draw out infection. Pulu is the golden hairs of the Hapu'u fern tree fiddleheads. I had scuffed up my big toe on lava and it was festering. I put a bit of pulu on it, immediately it tingled and within 2 days was almost completely gone. I was so happy to find a good amount of Hapu'u on my acre since I am a huge klutz! It will be my go-to for every wound! It also helped my honey clot a bad bleeder on his calf. It made a pretty golden scab and left no scar!

"One day there, madam, is worth one year of common existence," David Douglas
"One day there, madam, is worth one year of common existence," David Douglas
Originally posted by Mimosa

Slice open the wound with and exacto knife - and make a mix of half ammonia and half clean water and the toxins will be sucked out if a fresh bite.
go into garden and pick 300 mature lokahi leaves to suck out toxins bring to a boil about 25 to 30 mature leaves and place on bite wound - repeat same process 4 - 6 times - the last time - make polstice and wrap wound with gauze paper tape and in morning no mo nuttin.
Mrs . Mimosa

I think what you're trying to say is "laukahi", not Lokahi, which is a different thing.
Lokahi is a Hawaiian word. It means harmony and balance.
Funny what literally 2 minutes of internet research can do.

according to hawaiinewsnow this is laukahi.

You know, when you advise people to pick the leaves off of a plant, you A. might want to get the name of the plant right, and B. you might want to tell them what the leaves look like.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
Just reading this gave me the heebie jeebies. My friends used to call me a "baby" for whining about the pain, until it happened to them. Centipedes seemed to follow me wherever I lived on the islands for years, especially to my house built on a slab. Until a Hawaiian friend of mine said the "lore" is if you have centipedes it's because you have jealousy about something. So worked on that & now they are gone. Although at the same time I also started keeping chickens, what a coincidence.
Originally posted by leilaniguy

And bang your shoes together before you put them on.

It's _three times, _after_ you put them on.

No place like Puna.

That only applies if the shoes are red and have heels.


Having said that, recent scientific studies have so far not addressed the "three tap rule" so obviously more work is needed. I'm currently experimenting with a "one good shake solves all problems" technique but have yet to publish my findings.
I don't have ruby slippers, but I know a woman named Dorothy, does that count?
Thanks for that. I'll include a "name" variable into the computer model and see what happens. I hadn't thought of that before, so appreciate your input. This is how scientific collaboration works. Wink

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