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Feedback to HPPOA on HPP roads
This is actually an improvement Kalakoa. There are a whole new batch of informed gripers these days. I hope there's strength in numbers.
There may be some kind of justice or karma for screwing over 8,000 lot owners.

County Planning employees get a nice benefits package, with a pension -- or is that not what you meant?

When will someone take this fight where it belongs?
Originally posted by Kahunascott

I couldn't imagine what would have happened to me if I missed ONE P&L detail report.

You......and likely the rest of us..... would have been drawn and quartered with tickets sold to the public for the event. Refreshments would have been provided. Oh, and there would be much discussion about which account the money for the refreshments had come from.
Originally posted by Kahunascott "I couldn't imagine what would have happened to me if I missed ONE P&L detail report."

Hey, KS how about this one for your and msky's bewilderment; the Park is awash with talk about the what the GM did last night at the Oct. board meeting. At a 3 minute "Owners Input" one owner had the audacity to call out Don Morris' incompetence over the chip seal jobs.The owner having 40 years experience building roads on this island, kept asking Morris questions that weren't being answered except by retorts of ridicule and snarkiness from the GM (very common for Morris) which escalated into shouting between the 2 resulting in Morris calling the owner a "f**ker".

I could go on and on with this GM's unprofessional behaviour and how he has been protected by certain board directors during his tenure in the Park, but this one example should resolve any concerns that any fence sitters may have on whether this GM has to go.
msky said: ". . . would have been drawn and quartered with tickets sold to the public for the event."

Probably, and then someone would have argued over which account on the income side of the P&L Statement the proceeds should have been posted to. After loudly arguing about this by various parties through the next three board meetings, a committee would be formed at a general membership meeting to sort it out. After the committee argued for six months, their (disputed) findings would be presented to the board. The board would ignore the membership committee and spend the money on more refreshments for the next public drawing and quartering. Isn't it nice how things work out?
The board would ignore the membership committee and spend the money on more refreshments for the next public drawing and quartering.

Actually the board voted in Oct 2014 not to give the membership refreshments and almost wasn't going to give us water either. That was an arguing point for a few min. Dist 2 rep didn't want her money spent on any of it! (It's in the minutes w/explanation points)

Now a little wiser, I've learned it's not the board's decision to make. It's the members money and it should be our decision. So until the membership votes for it, NO COOKIES FOR YOU!
Thought you'd like to know, the board voted down assessing extra road burden fees for businesses. Best to avoid lawsuits when possible.
I don’t want a snack if it comes with a grudge. I’ll bring my own....
When’s the next membership meeting? October 29th?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Yes, the Membership meeting is the 29th starting at 3:00. Should be very entertaining with the anticipated lively "discussion" over the Finance Committee election.
Originally posted by Kahunascott "I couldn't imagine what would have happened to me if..."
Here is another one you can ponder; At the last Finance Committee meeting last week the General Manager, Don Morris, threatened a member of the committee. I guess from every thing I have seen and heard about him he can get very agitated when confronted with questions about the roads or HPPOA's finances that he does not want to answer or when he is trying to hide something.

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