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HPP General Memebership Meeting 2/24

Chip seal will not work in hpp due to the amount of rain and traffic we have. I recently talked with a gentleman at the county road dept. who gave me little info about paving and the costs of it. He said it takes 660 tons to do one mile 10 feet wide. We would need to do 20 feet so it would be 1320 tons per mile. Mutilply that by 137 miles, and again by $80 dollars per ton...and you get? A lot less than what we are going to pay...


Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Make sure the Board and you are talking the same language.

On our mainland county roads, Chip (slurry) Seal is used over existing asphalt roads to improve traction, fill in any cracks, repel water infiltration, bind the existing asphalt and provide a uniform roadway. Asphalt embedding requires asphalt to be sprayed over/between layers of material and rolled into the roadway material to create a binding to hold together the base material. It's used on unimproved roads to reduce dust, improved surface uniformity and reduce the roadway material from being knocked all over the place. But it doesn't stand up to weather over the long haul and is temporary (1-2 years max) until the road is paved.

So, I would just make sure your suggestion isn’t being dismissed simple because they are hearing words and applying another understanding to those words, not what you intended.

Was anything mentioned about using rubberized asphalt?
HPPOA just awarded the paving bid on Monday to Laffler Construction. Paving should begin within the month.

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