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Going slightly off topic, but am I the only one having trouble getting the HVO earthquake page to load? I've tried Chrome, Foxfire, and Internet Explorer, and it pops on the screen, but churns endlessly without loading any data onto the map.
Not loading for me. Try
I'm having the same problem Chunkster.
I did see a good plume coming from Pu'u 'O'o right now. Could be from a collapse - maybe or???
Interestingly, this quake is almost exactly where the 6.9 quake was. Definitely not something to dismiss lightly.

Think HVO earthquakes is a bit overwhelmed, but USGS earthquakes is working fine.
Thanks, ironyak, I've bookmarked the USGS page. We definitely felt it here in central HPP, and it even woke up one family member who was still in bed. Oddly, the dogs didn't notice, and they usually get excited even by small ones. In fact, the dogs sometimes notice little ones that the rest of us don't.
If that shaker gave anyone else the jitters you can breathe a little easier reading this from this morning's HVO's report

Activity and lava output from Fissure 8 remains low and there have been no signs of reactivation or new intrusion...

This morning's overflight crew observed a crusted lava pond deep inside the steaming cone at a level significantly lower than when viewed Tuesday morning...

A magnitude-4.4 earthquake occurred southeast of Pu#699;u #699;#332;#699;#333; this morning at 6:50 a.m. The earthquake had no significant effect on the status of K#299;lauea activity except to generate a brief dust plume from Pu#699;u #699;#332;#699;#333; several minutes later.

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